vonHardenberg: "Forever gone" is relative, since there's always New Game Plus+.
Sarisio: I usually try to finish maximum possible in one playthrough.
vonHardenberg: You can "fail" a few of them due to the items required no longer being available or by using up/selling all the requested items. They'll remain in your quest list, but you will not be able to turn them in in that case.
The "From a different Sky" scavenger hunt is especially egregious in that regard, as some of those badges are located in places you can visit exactly once per playthrough.
Sarisio: What are the other such quests? I feel regret for selling some table I found in chest, I hope it was nothing important. Is there a limit to how many items we can store in the inn?
vonHardenberg: That said, the Notice Board stuff is optional and not counted against the "completed all quests" achievement, since they also include all the escort quests (basically, each named NPC has one of those, unlocked by raising your affinity with them). They also tend to be on the grindy side. Nice for XP, items and money, but nothing to lose sleep over.
Sarisio: ...I like to grind :) However, I dread doing escort quests, and it looks like there are tons of them. I have bad memory of those quests in other games, where you need to escort 1-hittable person who runs all over the place gathering whole armies of monsters. I hope this game isn't that bad in this regard.
Thiev: It's a bit spoiler-ish, so proceed at your own risk.
But below you can find which quests disappear at some point with the main story progression:
http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression Sarisio: Yes, i saw such list and found a good guide on the site, which shouldn't be named. But it covers only standard side-quests and not the notice board quests. It seems I need to play this game very carefully to not miss anything.
Just do all notice board/escort/side quests you want to do first before moving onto the main quest.