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Hello players of one of the greatest games ever!

Is it a Bioware legitimate purchase? I mean, will I have all the benefits of a Bioware buyer? Loging into my account, uploading my progress, pictures, use their community, etc. ? Will bioware get money when we buy it here?

Thank you!!!
You do not need a Bioware Account at all or sign into it, because you get all DLC included here (unlike Steam).

I already have one, so I cannot say if you can create one but I guess you could the same way as with the Steam version (start the game and then from within say you want to create an account at Bioware).

Even with the Steam version you CANNOT properly register your game to your avatar in the Bioware forums. I eventually gave up and bought all games at Origin again.

Upload of save files to Bioware? Never heard of it.
The Upload to was never from within the game, you need the save file and upload it normal through your browser.
(Only Dragon Age Inquisition kind of updates the wallpaper live).

p.s. Bioware is a Sub-Branch of EA and EA gets money if you buy the game here.
Post edited August 02, 2016 by disi
romanov5: Hello players of one of the greatest games ever!

Is it a Bioware legitimate purchase? I mean, will I have all the benefits of a Bioware buyer? Loging into my account, uploading my progress, pictures, use their community, etc. ? Will bioware get money when we buy it here?

Thank you!!!
Of course it's legitimate. GoG is a completely above board retailer, like Steam, but without the DRM.

As far as the community features. Bioware killed much of that years ago and will soon shut down all their gaming forums near the end of this month:
GOG doesnt have a cloud system so I dont think you can upload your saves. This is not a bioware feature. It is a Origin or Steam feature.

Bioware doesnt get money, EA does. This is same for every bioware game you buy from every store.

Atleast that is what i know.

However, if you are asking if you can trust GOG, you absolutely can. GOG is the second biggest online game store. I own here over 400 games.

EDIT: Typos.
Post edited August 03, 2016 by Engerek01
Guys thank you all so much for the replies!!! disi, PeterScott, Engerek01.

I understand better now. I wanted to know if I would be able to connect to DA Bioware servers even if I don't have to
(to have the progress recorded in the KEEP, not the saves themselves, so i feel like "a real DA player").

Also thanks for the EA-Bioware clarification. As long as I buy this great game as a thanks and the creators get some of it I am happy. Probably I will buy the DAO Ultimate from here.

Thank you again guys!
romanov5: Guys thank you all so much for the replies!!! disi, PeterScott, Engerek01.

I understand better now. I wanted to know if I would be able to connect to DA Bioware servers even if I don't have to
(to have the progress recorded in the KEEP, not the saves themselves, so i feel like "a real DA player").

Also thanks for the EA-Bioware clarification. As long as I buy this great game as a thanks and the creators get some of it I am happy. Probably I will buy the DAO Ultimate from here.

Thank you again guys!
i hope you enjoy the game (when you get it) as much as i am
romanov5: Guys thank you all so much for the replies!!! disi, PeterScott, Engerek01.

I understand better now. I wanted to know if I would be able to connect to DA Bioware servers even if I don't have to
(to have the progress recorded in the KEEP, not the saves themselves, so i feel like "a real DA player").

Also thanks for the EA-Bioware clarification. As long as I buy this great game as a thanks and the creators get some of it I am happy. Probably I will buy the DAO Ultimate from here.
Dragon Age Keep has no internet connection to Dragon Age Origins, or Dragon Age 2. It doesn't matter where you buy the game.

To "import" your progress, you manually pick and choose which choices you made in the game. So you can choose whatever you want, even if you never played the game.

Many years ago, Bioware would let you upload characters/progress and display it online, you could view everyone's characters and click to see their stats/weapons etc.

But that is long gone. There is no online connection/component any more at all.
PeterScott: Dragon Age Keep has no internet connection to Dragon Age Origins, or Dragon Age 2. It doesn't matter where you buy the game.

To "import" your progress, you manually pick and choose which choices you made in the game. So you can choose whatever you want, even if you never played the game.

Many years ago, Bioware would let you upload characters/progress and display it online, you could view everyone's characters and click to see their stats/weapons etc.

But that is long gone. There is no online connection/component any more at all.
Oh man...that's a bit depressing ^^ The great history of the internet DA! From inquisition I got an impression that it does connect to the keep, but maybe I am mistaken. And, I guess it's not as nice as the progress and character upload of once upon a time.

It's also a bit rexaling I guess, don't need to worry about the uploading (of accomplishments and pics and so on, now I remembered what I was uploading).

How than do we make a world for DA:I? With the keep manually? Or private personas progs?
Vyraexii: i hope you enjoy the game (when you get it) as much as i am
Thanks man :)
Post edited August 03, 2016 by romanov5
Here are mine, I never finished Inquisition and missed some stuff in DAO and DA2, but you have to play them several times with some awkward decisions to get them all anyway.
So I just played as I felt best (and didn't upload or deleted all that were not 'perfect') :)

p.s. but I also never finished Skyrim, this doesn't mean it is a bad game. It is just "go there" "kill all enemies" "collect this" "gain this accomplishment", rinse and repeat in the end. Apart from the astonishing world spaces, you get the feeling "another level to clear?" :(
I got the same feeling in Pillars of Eternity, you forget the main story because there are way to many side quests and said areas to clear.
In DAO everything you do has exactly one goal or is related to it, gathering an army to defeat the blight.
In DA2 you make a decision and then stick to it, everything you do uncovers a bit more of the main story.
In DAI you see the rift and need to stop it, then you play 40 or so hours without any blights or dark brutes* but normal folk with problems and twists you need to please so you gain power and levels, before the next little piece of the main story unlocks. The game is massive compared to the first two rather tunnel-questing stories, maybe too big for me and I get lost in side questing.

*you do close the rifts over and over again...
heroes.jpg (176 Kb)
Post edited August 03, 2016 by disi
romanov5: Oh man...that's a bit depressing ^^ The great history of the internet DA! From inquisition I got an impression that it does connect to the keep, but maybe I am mistaken. And, I guess it's not as nice as the progress and character upload of once upon a time.

It's also a bit rexaling I guess, don't need to worry about the uploading (of accomplishments and pics and so on, now I remembered what I was uploading).
The Bioware forums are about to be shut down anyway. There wouldn't be much of a community for you to connect to. They said in the announcement that they want to move their fan communication to "superior" social media like Twitter and Facebook.
romanov5: Oh man...that's a bit depressing ^^ The great history of the internet DA! From inquisition I got an impression that it does connect to the keep, but maybe I am mistaken. And, I guess it's not as nice as the progress and character upload of once upon a time.

It's also a bit rexaling I guess, don't need to worry about the uploading (of accomplishments and pics and so on, now I remembered what I was uploading).

How than do we make a world for DA:I? With the keep manually? Or private personas progs?
You just go to the keep and get prompted along the story decisions, and pick which one you did, or wish you did.

It is possibly you can feed the keep info into DAI, for now. I don't have DAI. Perhaps DAI also has it's own choice maker at the beginning.

bengeddes: The Bioware forums are about to be shut down anyway. There wouldn't be much of a community for you to connect to. They said in the announcement that they want to move their fan communication to "superior" social media like Twitter and Facebook.
Yeah, kind of a farce. What they really mean is it cheaper for EA not having to bother doing anything themselves.

Facebook just splinters the community more. It locks out those of us who refuse to use Facebook for a number of reasons.

I predicted EA would all but kill Bioware except in name only, and it has.
Post edited August 04, 2016 by PeterScott
Yeah, the keep is just for DA:I. In it, you can select the choices you made in Origins and 2. Inquisition does not have a direct save import feature, unlike 2, which does import your save from Origins. So really, you have nothing to do with the keep until you're going to play Inquisition.
romanov5: I wanted to know if I would be able to connect to DA Bioware servers even if I don't have to
(to have the progress recorded in the KEEP, not the saves themselves, so i feel like "a real DA player").
Yes, if you log into your Bioware\EA account in DAO or DA2 your heroes are still uploaded to the DA KEEP.
Provided you don't have the developer console enabled.
The 4 DAO & DA2 heroes shown is the attached pic were all uploaded since the closure of the BSN forums.
dakeep.jpg (426 Kb)