supersoldier93: does anyone have a 3D model for the Doom 1 plasma gun? I'm planning on using a 3D printer but I don't have a model for it. If anyone can help that'd be awesome. scaling it to 2 feet 4 inches in length and 2 1/2 inches in width at the grip for practicality
Jim has it right; to be more accurate, it was only half of the toy.
entire toy is a small machine gun that is about as long as the Plasma Gun is in the game. However, it turns out that the front half of the gun could detach to be used separately; id took the detachable part (the bit on the right in the first photo that starts with block of black plastic) and
turned it around.
If you are using that toy as a baseline for your 3D printed model, you'll want to scale the toy model up significantly; the base toy was small, but the detachable part is even smaller (you can see in that second photo how the user's hand almost engulfs it).
EDIT: I initially thought that the only part of the gun the detachable part was used to model was the barrel while firing; on closer examination, it turns out that the entire detachable does resemble the gun in profile.