eluancm: I've given up. I was mostly checking this for the local split-screen multiplayer (which is indeed cool) and to give a chance to the WAD downloader, but this thing just doesn't work correctly.
They have a proven codebase in their hands that has been ported to every imaginable hardware on earth and this is what we get:
-Have to close Steam, otherwise it will freeze more and will think it was launched from it
-Hope that it doesn't freeze completely during the intro videos
-Try to download some WADs without it freezing, like in the attached screenshot (Bonus: I didn't find a way to scroll the WAD descriptions, does it need a controller?)
-In the end it will freeze on exit 100% of times?
(VC++ redists are up to date here)
If the issue is with the Enhanced versions trying to communicate through Steam and for some reason failing in your case, try and rename/delete the steam_api64.dll file from the game's Plugins folder (<Doom I or II Enhanced>\<game name folder>\Plugins\x86_64\), it should stop the GOG version from trying to connecting to Steam. I tested this out with the current GOG build while Steam was running and renaming the file prevented the game from appearing in my Steam activities. The WAD descriptions can be scrolled by hovering your mouse over to the description window and using the mouse wheel or using the mouse to move the scroll, but other than than there's no way to scroll the description with just keyboard alone.
eluancm: Here it freezes at the same spot, but eventually proceeds after ~1min.
(I'd guess that it's calling the Bethesda mothership and it's a blocking network i/o?)
Fun fact: if I don't close Steam, it freezes at the start of the first video! And Steam thinks I've launched the game from it, heh (Looks like the games are loading steam_api64.dll and reporting in)
discountbuyer: Sounds like it's just a slightly tweaked or cracked version of the steam release just like the GOG version of Doom 64.
It's certainly not a cracked version of the Steam release. The GOG version of Doom Enhanced has some newer DLL files in the plugins folder and a few different files than the former does.