korell: Some users reported that the walls not coming down error was often experienced when the barons were gibbed rather than just killed, which means it could be due to how Brutal Doom handles the gibs. The Brutal Doom gibs also used to block elevators and doors and such, but those were fixed.
Gaerzi: Yes, Brutal Doom is
FULL OF BUGS, and Marcos Abenante doesn't care about fixing them, as evidenced by the 0.l issue that has been there for months.
The E1M8 wall lowering is an action that is triggered by the barons of Hell when they die, if no other baron remain.
https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Tag_666 To trigger this action, the barons have to explicitly call it:
https://zdoom.org/wiki/A_BossDeath Brutal Doom simply neglects to call A_BossDeath in some of the barons' variant death states, so depending on how the last baron in the level dies, the effect will happen or not.
Again, this is entirely 100% the fault of Brutal Doom and its terrible, terrible coding. It's one of the many reasons why I dislike that mod.
I encountered this bug in the latest version of vanilla GZ Doom but not Brutal Doom for some reason. Toggling on "allow any boss death for level special" didn't fix it either.