Posted July 06, 2019

New User
Registered: Mar 2012
From Other

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Poland

Registered: Apr 2013
From France
Posted July 08, 2019
But finally they updated (let's see the good side ;))
GrzechuGrek: Quality of life update? They told us to wait for a long time.
Well... But better late than never, I guess. Very certainly, but I can't say anything for sure because there's no official changelog for the GOG's version (for now).
Let's hope they'll update on GOG more regularly in the future...

Well... But better late than never, I guess.
Let's hope they'll update on GOG more regularly in the future...

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Poland
Posted July 08, 2019

Well... But better late than never, I guess.

Let's hope they'll update on GOG more regularly in the future...

Registered: Apr 2013
From France

New User
Registered: Dec 2019
From Germany
Posted September 28, 2020
high rated
Game was updated to "4294041_41439" on 28. Sep. 2020 (offline installer).
Seems to be same as for Steam:
Small Update by Don't Starve
Posted Fri, September 4, 2020
[Game Update] Hamlet - 428605 to 429404
[Game Update] - 429404
Updated the less photosensitive lightning effects for DLCs
[Game Update] - 428605
Changed the lightning visuals to be less harmful photosensitive eyes.
Added a "Screen Flashes" option in settings to adjust the effect.
Seems to be same as for Steam:
Small Update by Don't Starve
Posted Fri, September 4, 2020
[Game Update] Hamlet - 428605 to 429404
[Game Update] - 429404
Updated the less photosensitive lightning effects for DLCs
[Game Update] - 428605
Changed the lightning visuals to be less harmful photosensitive eyes.
Added a "Screen Flashes" option in settings to adjust the effect.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted September 29, 2020
high rated
Changelog available also on GOG.
Standalone installers, and those of its DLC, updated:
- Windows & Mac: 345256 ⇒ 429404;
- Linux (game): 222215 ⇒ 4294041; Linux (DLC): 20171215 ⇒ 4294041.
Standalone installers, and those of its DLC, updated:
- Windows & Mac: 345256 ⇒ 429404;
- Linux (game): 222215 ⇒ 4294041; Linux (DLC): 20171215 ⇒ 4294041.

❐ Old User ❑
Registered: Jul 2015
From Germany
Posted July 18, 2023
Don’t Starve
Standalone installer updated:
[Windows] 429404 ⇒ 20230427
[Mac] 429404 ⇒ 554439
Standalone installer updated:
[Windows] 429404 ⇒ 20230427
[Mac] 429404 ⇒ 554439
Major Quality of Life and Big Fix Update Now Live!
Hey everyone!
The big Bug Fixes and Quality of Life update is now live!
A big thank you to all the players who checked out the beta, reported bugs, and provided feedback and suggestions.
The list of changes and bug fixes is gigantic! So here are some highlights:
① Additions
---• New item: the Seed of Ruin. It can be obtained by defeating the Ancient Guardian (ALL).
---• The Water Beefalo will now have adorable offspring! (SW).
---• New craftable: the Nightmarish Bird Whistle (HAM).
---• New Crock Pot recipe: the Meated Nettles, an antihistamine food made with meat! (HAM).
② Utility / Interface Changes (ALL)
---• A new integrated backpack layout can now be enabled in settings.
---• The maximum number of save slots has been increased to 10.
---• A "don't show this again" check box has been added to the "mods enabled" warning screen. Check it if you don't want the warning to appear anymore!.
---• Background images will now be shown on the loading screen.
---• Items within a container (chests, etc) can now be used when crafting.
---• Now It's possible to drop items directly from the inventory/container using the "Force Container (mod)" key, left shift by default, and the right click.
---• Some actions can now be repeated by holding down the mouse buttons.
---• Decreases the volume of the WX-78's overcharge sound.
③ World Changes
---• The caves world generation has been changed to have fewer bridges that lead nowhere (ALL).
---• World jumping will no longer regenerate sub-worlds of other maps (SW, HAM).
------• E.g.: Perform a world jump (using the Teleportato) on Shipwrecked will not regenerate the caves and ruins, only the volcano.
④ Tweaks
---• Cactus Spike, Doydoy Feather, Blueprints, Lotus Plant and Stinger are now burnable (ALL).
---• Caged birds now accept raw monster meat and refuse cooked eggs (ALL).
---• Batilisk Wing, Raw Birchnut, Leafy Meat and Rainbow Jellyfish are now crock pot ingredients (ALL).
---• Bundle Wraps can now be used while sailing (SW, HAM).
---• The action key now prioritizes entering doors if the player is holding an item or is very close to the door (HAM).
⑤ New Mechanics
---• The Lazy Forager can now be refilled with Nightmare Fuel (ALL).
---• Tree saplings and crops can now be dug up with a shovel (ALL).
---• Most burnt trees now have a chance to occasionally drop a charcoal, and all burnt trees now have a chance to drop an extra charcoal when chopped down (ALL).
---• The Sea Yard can now repair the boat without the player being in it (SW, HAM).
---• Stone Slabs will regenerate their loot over time (HAM).
---• Trawl Net will collect a different set of items when used in Lily Ponds (HAM)
---• Items made from iron can now be smelted in the Smelter (HAM).
⑥ Creatures Changes
---• The Ancient Guardian fight has been redesigned (ALL).
---• Bees and Killer Bees now need to be closer to their targets to hit them (ALL).
---• Tallbirds without a nest will now make a new nest, but only on rocky, dirt or magma turf (ALL)
---• Deerclops's attack area more accurately reflects the FX (RoG, SW, HAM).
---• Flup can now respawn correctly (SW).
---• Fire Packim Baggims now no longer attacks monster mobs, and instead helps the player by attacking their target (SW).
---• Rabid Beetles, Vampire Bats and Royal Guards are now susceptible to the Deep Rainforest poisonous gas (HAM).
⑦ Bug Fixes
---• Fixed the game window icon not displaying correctly on Windows (ALL).
---• The mouse now tries to ignore mini signs. Solving the issue with mini signs and chests in the same place (ALL).
---• Fixed Sealnado not considering whether walls are broken or not, in his vacuum attack (SW).
---• Fixed Krissures visually erupting forever (SW).
---• Sunken items can properly be retrieved with Trawl Net (SW, HAM).
---• Land shadow creatures will no longer reappear over water (SW, HAM).
---• Spider Monkeys will no longer infest a new tree on every world loading (HAM).
---• Shopkeepers will not get stuck on shop pedestals anymore (HAM).
---• Plants and structures will no longer spawn too close to water in Hamlet's world generation (HAM).
---• Queen Womant's loot will no longer get stuck on her throne (HAM).
---• Fixed world generation being affected on other worlds if the save slot was Hamlet compatible (HAM).
------• E.g.: Forest worlds generating without rivers dividing biomes.
Hey everyone!
The big Bug Fixes and Quality of Life update is now live!
A big thank you to all the players who checked out the beta, reported bugs, and provided feedback and suggestions.
The list of changes and bug fixes is gigantic! So here are some highlights:
① Additions
---• New item: the Seed of Ruin. It can be obtained by defeating the Ancient Guardian (ALL).
---• The Water Beefalo will now have adorable offspring! (SW).
---• New craftable: the Nightmarish Bird Whistle (HAM).
---• New Crock Pot recipe: the Meated Nettles, an antihistamine food made with meat! (HAM).
② Utility / Interface Changes (ALL)
---• A new integrated backpack layout can now be enabled in settings.
---• The maximum number of save slots has been increased to 10.
---• A "don't show this again" check box has been added to the "mods enabled" warning screen. Check it if you don't want the warning to appear anymore!.
---• Background images will now be shown on the loading screen.
---• Items within a container (chests, etc) can now be used when crafting.
---• Now It's possible to drop items directly from the inventory/container using the "Force Container (mod)" key, left shift by default, and the right click.
---• Some actions can now be repeated by holding down the mouse buttons.
---• Decreases the volume of the WX-78's overcharge sound.
③ World Changes
---• The caves world generation has been changed to have fewer bridges that lead nowhere (ALL).
---• World jumping will no longer regenerate sub-worlds of other maps (SW, HAM).
------• E.g.: Perform a world jump (using the Teleportato) on Shipwrecked will not regenerate the caves and ruins, only the volcano.
④ Tweaks
---• Cactus Spike, Doydoy Feather, Blueprints, Lotus Plant and Stinger are now burnable (ALL).
---• Caged birds now accept raw monster meat and refuse cooked eggs (ALL).
---• Batilisk Wing, Raw Birchnut, Leafy Meat and Rainbow Jellyfish are now crock pot ingredients (ALL).
---• Bundle Wraps can now be used while sailing (SW, HAM).
---• The action key now prioritizes entering doors if the player is holding an item or is very close to the door (HAM).
⑤ New Mechanics
---• The Lazy Forager can now be refilled with Nightmare Fuel (ALL).
---• Tree saplings and crops can now be dug up with a shovel (ALL).
---• Most burnt trees now have a chance to occasionally drop a charcoal, and all burnt trees now have a chance to drop an extra charcoal when chopped down (ALL).
---• The Sea Yard can now repair the boat without the player being in it (SW, HAM).
---• Stone Slabs will regenerate their loot over time (HAM).
---• Trawl Net will collect a different set of items when used in Lily Ponds (HAM)
---• Items made from iron can now be smelted in the Smelter (HAM).
⑥ Creatures Changes
---• The Ancient Guardian fight has been redesigned (ALL).
---• Bees and Killer Bees now need to be closer to their targets to hit them (ALL).
---• Tallbirds without a nest will now make a new nest, but only on rocky, dirt or magma turf (ALL)
---• Deerclops's attack area more accurately reflects the FX (RoG, SW, HAM).
---• Flup can now respawn correctly (SW).
---• Fire Packim Baggims now no longer attacks monster mobs, and instead helps the player by attacking their target (SW).
---• Rabid Beetles, Vampire Bats and Royal Guards are now susceptible to the Deep Rainforest poisonous gas (HAM).
⑦ Bug Fixes
---• Fixed the game window icon not displaying correctly on Windows (ALL).
---• The mouse now tries to ignore mini signs. Solving the issue with mini signs and chests in the same place (ALL).
---• Fixed Sealnado not considering whether walls are broken or not, in his vacuum attack (SW).
---• Fixed Krissures visually erupting forever (SW).
---• Sunken items can properly be retrieved with Trawl Net (SW, HAM).
---• Land shadow creatures will no longer reappear over water (SW, HAM).
---• Spider Monkeys will no longer infest a new tree on every world loading (HAM).
---• Shopkeepers will not get stuck on shop pedestals anymore (HAM).
---• Plants and structures will no longer spawn too close to water in Hamlet's world generation (HAM).
---• Queen Womant's loot will no longer get stuck on her throne (HAM).
---• Fixed world generation being affected on other worlds if the save slot was Hamlet compatible (HAM).
------• E.g.: Forest worlds generating without rivers dividing biomes.
Post edited July 18, 2023 by surfer1260