Retail version
- limited to 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768 (the game itself can work in other than supported resolutions, but opening the main map can cause a crash, the frequency of which is system and resolution dependent)
+ full music score
+ slightly more bug fixes (I didn't have any serious issues playing the unpatched original disk version)
+ Glide support (in addition to Direct3D or Software rendering, which are the only 2 options with the download version)
Download version
+ widescreen and higher resolution support
- music issues seem to be relatively common - FIXED in 1.0062 (see
- slightly less bug fixes (relatively minor, IMNSHO, or there are alternate workarounds if encountered)
* Win98 support dropped, menu bar at bottom of screen can no longer be minimized to just 3 lines (not really an issue playing at higher resolutions, and it just caused problems with people right clicking the bar by accident and not knowing how to restore it).