nicholaslow902: But some of my items did not get listed in the item editor, is there any way to solve that?
Raze_Larian: Bows and crossbows may not get listed in 'ranged weapons', but should show up in 'all' (though may not load properly {ie damage listed as 0}, and trying to save a change could crash the editor).
You can try the
Divine Divinity Item Editor, though it isn't as full featured as
DAD's item editor. I don't think it lists bows at all.
There is some stuff on manual hex editing in the topic
please help with my blind hero.
I know this thread is ancient, but I recently tracked down DAD's DDIE v1.4... and I used the full installer link in his post, then updated the executable with his most recent v1.4. The utility loads without errors, but when I open the items.000 file from one of my saves, nothing happens. I am not sure what I am doing wrong?
EDIT: So, in one of Raze's posts on the larian forums, he suggested to another user that they might want to try copying their saved game folder to a shorter path. I used "C:\temp\savegame" and then Dad's item editor was able to properly load all the items from the save. Hope this helps others, and thank to you, Raze, and also DAD for making this tool :)