Posted March 13, 2011

But I find the graphical style horrible and sadly it has had a lot of influence on other fantasy games released afterward. It is very cartoonish and unrealistic and while this is not necessarily bad (I love Heroes of Might and Magic II's graphics which is closer to the looks of children books than to anime and american superhero cartoons.) the particular style of WoW with it's emphasis on ridiculously large weapons is atrocious.
Many people mistake the amount of polygons and pixels as indicators of graphical quality. This is a mistake because I think most people, consciously or unconsciously are more influenced by the quality and style of the art in the game.
While gameplay of course is the most important quality of a game, I do consider the graphical art and the sound as very important too. These two are very important for the immersion and atmosphere in the game. Another thing that adds a lot to the atmosphere that sadly is neglected in newer games is textual descriptions that are not part of someones dialogue. Even brand new games would benefit a lot from this, although maybe many reviewers would give the games a lesser score because of this.

It is a shame about the people who play those competitive online games. I played WoW a bit and encountered all kinds of obnoxious idiots (and a few good heads too)
One of the aspects about the internet that has been most instructive for me over the years has been contact with and exposure to kinds of human minds that I would never encounter in my daily world. I am amazed at the variety; and at the the appalling almost demonic level of some minds I have encountered. Has been an eye-opener.
I have had a lot of fun playing multiplayer with strangers in the games Unreal Tournament and Worms World Party, but then roleplaying isn't what you do there.
I think that one of the reasons that we often see people from their worst sides when interacting with them on the internet is because when you can't see a real person there, just their textual input or voice you feel less empathy\sympathy with them and thus it is easier to dislike the person.
Another reason is that in real life we are kept in check by social norms, our reputation, personal honour and ethics but on the internet there is much less of this, mainly because of the anonymity of the internet. That shouldn't mean that one's ethical standards should be lower but it seems like it is, at least for some people. Perhaps they are on some level forgetting that it is real people that they are interacting with? Or perhaps those people are mostly the kind of people that doesn't have much ethics at all?
What then is the true face of a person? The one we see in real life, or on the internet? I think both are.
Post edited March 13, 2011 by Sargon