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Hello GOG forum denizens!

I have encountered a game breaking bug while relatively far into the game and would like to know if any of you more seasoned DD players have any insight.

I am not one to play open world games in any kind of linear order. I believe that defeats the purpose of open world all together. As soon as the game started I left the healer city, started killing orcs and other creatures that were above my level, and ventured out into the world killing and completing side quests . So, when I decided its time to progress the storyline, I found that certain key characters were aggro, and I couldn't complete game-progressing quests. (I never killed friendly npcs, just aggro enemies)

This is my second time playing through the game running into a glee-halting error, and I wonder if any of you know how to fix or circumvent this issue without having to start over and play the game linearly, or should I just try and forget about this would be legendary game?
Post edited March 21, 2012 by Tsjanith
I've never encountered or heard of this bug except for certain imps. Ignoring the main quest or even killing citizens shouldn't cause any of the important characters to become enemies. Are they actually attacking? Can you tell us what part of the main quest you are trying to do and what characters are giving you problems?

If the problem is the imps (Zixzax or Antx or Zaknadrix) then there is a fix described in this thread:

It's possible the same bug could crop up with other characters.
Post edited March 21, 2012 by bengeddes
It isn't the imps. Its actually the necromancer at the end of the catacombs. He isn't attacking me no, whenever I click to talk to him my character just ends up hacking away at him to no avail. The skeletons around him are not aggro, and I can talk to them, its just the necromancer that's a red dot. Also, when I returned to give Slasher to the orcs, they did in fact attack me. I know this is not part of the main quest, but It might be related.
Well that's certainly a bug. There is some good news: Healing Mardaneus isn't crucial to the main plot. If you've already left Aleroth, then you've already talked to Lord Seth, and you already know you need to get the healers to Rivertown to help with the plague outbreak. You can just talk to Lanilor and progress the quest that way.

If you've already left Aleroth, then you should have met the Dragon Rider and been saved by Zandalor? He tells you meet him at the Dwarven Bread Inn. That's the main quest.


And frankly, you don't even need to help Seth. The game gives you options. You could also solve the duke's murder or solve the mystery of the plague. The point is to become hero enough to get an invitation to the castle (to find Zandalor, who is not at the Inn where he said he'd be).
Post edited March 21, 2012 by bengeddes
Well its good to know that its not crucial to progress the game. I am a bit concerned though that it actually locks me in the room with the resurrection levers. Should I just not go through the catacombs at all? I am also concerned that this will occur in later quests. If you have any more insight I would be grateful.

All quest errors were corrected by official 1.33/1.34 patches (for retail 3CD version of the game of course). The GoG version (v1.005A) in fact does not have these corrections.
Tarnum: All quest errors were corrected by official 1.33/1.34 patches (for retail 3CD version of the game of course). The GoG version (v1.005A) in fact does not have these corrections.
That's possible, given the history of how the 1.005 version came about (lone guy worked on the update, quit, then when the "masters" were examined, they were found to be an older version of game).

It does make my heart sink but you could be right. For example, fixes introduced by patches 1.33:
- Fixed:Slasher scene can go wrong
Fixed:Zaknadrix dialog option disappears to go to the Pocket Universe
Fix for the problem where the balin class in the sewers of Verdistis caused other npc's to become hostile when killing them

These bugs seem to be cropping up on here with the GoG version.

Still, you should probably confirm that the files that contain quest changes are actually missing or outdated before you say so for sure.
Post edited March 22, 2012 by bengeddes
Thelyron should be friendly until after you have a conversation with him, which apparently isn't getting triggered since he is already hostile. The fix for the hostile imps (in the link above) may work for the necromancer, as well.

If you have completed the escort quest for the healers, then Mardaneus should be cured without your help. If not, I can take a look at the save, if you wish, and see if this quest can be fixed. You can zip the save folder and email it to me (
Post edited March 24, 2012 by Raze_Larian
That would be fantastic! I'll send you the files when I have time, probably within the next 3 or so days. Thanks a whole lot for the help!
Latest save file and info sent
I emailed you back the edited data.000 file from your save last night. The orcs that want slasher are now friendly, as is Thelyron (and the conversation after his resurrection proceeds normally).
I received the fix and the quest works perfectly! Many thanks for your optimal support!
Raze_Larian: I emailed you back the edited data.000 file from your save last night. The orcs that want slasher are now friendly, as is Thelyron (and the conversation after his resurrection proceeds normally).
It's all very nice fixing it for one guy, but what if the rest of us run into this?

How about giving a fix we can all use.
Tormentfan: It's all very nice fixing it for one guy, but what if the rest of us run into this?

How about giving a fix we can all use.
You may read this topic for the idea of how to fix hostile npc errors in the future.

But I want to repeat again that all these errors were corrected by the official 1.33 game patch.

So the full suggestion:
1. Stop using older (1.0029A/1.005A, 1.0031A or 1.0032A) game versions.
2. Install the game from the retail CDs.
3. Update your game to 1.0033A or 1.0034A.
*Note* 1.0033A utilizes Safedisc v2.90.040 copy protection so you need copy protected CD3 (play CD) inserted in CD/DVD drive in order to start the game. You also should start a new game because old save games (made by v1.005A for example) is not compatible with v1.0033A.
1.0034A is drm-free (no copy protection). Old save games (made by 1.005A/1.0029A game versions) may be compatible with this version but starting a new game is also recommended in order the changes made by official 1.33 patch to take effect.
Post edited April 04, 2012 by Tarnum
Raze_Larian: I emailed you back the edited data.000 file from your save last night. The orcs that want slasher are now friendly, as is Thelyron (and the conversation after his resurrection proceeds normally).
Tormentfan: It's all very nice fixing it for one guy, but what if the rest of us run into this?

How about giving a fix we can all use.
I found a program on steam that fixes this exact problem for me, using the readme and the cmd line, I got it to fix my save file and mark thelyron as friendly. I'm mainly replying for lost people searching for an answer, since this thread is 9 years old!

Steam thread:

Direct Google drive link to the program that fixes hostile NPC issue:
Post edited August 25, 2021 by DCPower