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I´m thinking to buy this game. It seems very attractive but before making an impulssive buying I wish to know more from someone who has palyed the game.
What can you tell me? Do you recommend this game to an Ultima series fan?
I've never played Ultima, but I can truthfully say, hand on heart that this is one of the greatest RPG games I have ever played. I've made a review on the games page that goes into a bit of detail about this game but overall I would recommend it to any RPG fan as it has a lot of the elements that make an RPG great.
- Wide open spaces
- Easy to use interface
- Your actions shape the world
- Great storyline
- Clear information
Those are just a few things I could come up with on the spot. In my opinion, 'One of the best RPG games... EVER!'
Hi, i played the game before.
The game is not really like Ultima in the sense of interacting with the world (like baking bread or changing a diaper like you can in Ultima 7, for example); however, it has a very good story (although not quite like Ultima 7 with its Guardian and evil cult), tons of different locations to visit, a plethora of quests, and a light crafting system with regards to alchemy. I think that you can also poison your swords but I think you have to spend some points in the Thief section of the character skills.
The only "problem" the game could be accused of having would be the starting catacombs. Once you get through that the game is much, much better.
The combat of the game is more in the Diablo-like vein rather than turn-based. You can basically spam Fireballs or whatever attacks you like.
About characer classes: The game allows you to mold a custom class out of three available skill sets (Rogue, Warrior, Wizard) so you can, in theory, be a Fireball spamming fighter who poisons his blades and sets traps for his enemies.
The game has a very atmospheric soudtrack that is bound to please the ear of even the most demanding audiophile.
Thanks for your words, now I´m a bit more convinced but I still have doubts.
I'll try to explain. Two weeks ago I buy M&M VI LE. Few days ago I got bored from iit because there´s no really plot only 'go to that place kill them all and retrieve the ...'
Has DD a solid plot to discover and interact with or it is just another beautiful Diablo II?
makodo: Thanks for your words, now I�m a bit more convinced but I still have doubts.
I'll try to explain. Two weeks ago I buy M&M VI LE. Few days ago I got bored from iit because there�s no really plot only 'go to that place kill them all and retrieve the ...'
Has DD a solid plot to discover and interact with or it is just another beautiful Diablo II?

Yes, it has a solid plot. It is NOT yet aother "loot management game" like Diablo. It has some of the feel of Diablo regarding the actul combat in the game but not the ridiculous amount of loot like Diablo.
Divinity lies in between Ultima and Diablo.
Compared exclusively to the above games stronger points, I think Divinity fails to match either of them. The story and character / world interactions are inferior to Ultima. Combat and loot collection aren't as addictive as in Diablo II.
Still Divinity performs nicely on both aspects, and as a whole is a compelling combination of RPG and Hack & Slash. It also has pretty good atmosphere with a touch of humor.
I'll probably buy it again fom GoG, for the commodity of not having to deal with multiple CDs and DRM.. Is this enough of a recommendation? =)
Post edited October 29, 2009 by fabiovolta
How does it compare to Sacred?
chacha i just wanted to ask the same question right now also :)
MischiefMaker: How does it compare to Sacred?

I'd also like to know. I tried Sacred just a few minutes and it didn't click with me, combat seemed off and the game boring. I'm wondering if I should give it another chance.
I really liked Divine Divinity, but would be good to have the opinion of someone who played both in depth.
Post edited October 29, 2009 by fabiovolta
makodo: I�m thinking to buy this game. It seems very attractive but before making an impulssive buying I wish to know more from someone who has palyed the game.
What can you tell me? Do you recommend this game to an Ultima series fan?

If you like Ultima 8 even though it was hugely flawed, or thought it might have been good if it had been done right, then yeah, you should buy this game now. I say this as an Ultima fan and a DivDiv fan.
Post edited October 29, 2009 by phanboy4

If you like Ultima 8 even though it was hugely flawed, or thought it might have been good if it had been done right, then yeah, you should buy this game now. I say this as an Ultima fan and a DivDiv fan.

Yes, Indeed I enjoyed Pagan, not as much and U VII BG & SI, but enjoyed.
So, thanks, I´ll jus added DD to my wishtlist now only rest to decide when ...!
Yes, i've played it before, it's one of my favorite cRPGs of all time (and i've played Fallout, Baldur's gate and all Infinity engine games, Diablo series, Arcanum, etc).
It's a mix between Diablo style of play (hack and slash combat with item randomization and similar skills and interface) but with the RPG depth of...hmm...let's say the depth of Ultima games. Nice exploration, nice quests, some item crafting (if i remember correctly), nice dialogues. And good story. Oh, and one of the best music scores i've ever heard in a game, and i'm not exaggerating, it's really that good!
Divine Divinity is an instant buy for me. Unfortunately, i can't say the same thing for Beyond Divinity. I've tried to play it but i didn't like it at all, don't remember why.
ps: if you get DD, have patience with the first levels, The Catacombs. They are really hard and kinda boring (because they are too big, imo). But after that, the game really shows it's true nature, one of a great RPG game. :)
Post edited October 29, 2009 by DG
After you get out in the wilderness, don't just run straight into enemies though as you might end up running away from 50+ of them.
Bow+ poison is always a good idea for a newcomer as you can make poison from all the trash, garbage,... lying around the world.