Kirin_Persus: Just want to check to see if anyone else has had a problem with the above game.
I just downloaded and reinstalled the game without any problem. If there is a server problem, it isn't on all download servers.
A system problem (memory, hard drive) seems unlikely, since you tried it on 2 different computers... Did you try installing it on the second computer, or just downloading it? Bad RAM might give an error trying to install on the first even if it downloaded on the second was ok, but in that case I'm not sure the error would be consistent.
Is the file identical each time? Maybe your ISP, or somewhere along the line, cached a corrupt download and keeps giving you that version, rather than what may be on the server?
Waiting a day or two (assuming you haven't already done so) may clear a cache or give the server time to detect a corrupt file (assuming that is checked periodically to keep different servers synchronized).
If there isn't too much of the file missing or damaged, it may be possible to repair it, rather than trying to re-download it until it works.
Download the file verification and repair program ICE ECC (
): program with [url=]install (702KB) or just
zipped (629KB).
Download this zipped
ecc file (1.3MB) and extract it to a folder on your hard drive (such as 'c:\temp').
After installing the ICE ECC program (or extracting the zip file to an appropriate folder), start it. Under the toolbar, the top pane will list all available drives. Browse to where you extracted the ecc file (ie double click on the local disk 'c:' then the folder 'temp') and double click the ecc file (or select it and click on the 'Verify' toolbar button).
In the window that pops up, browse to the folder containing the DD download and click 'OK'.
Right after that, the window will be refreshed and the title bar changed, this time asking for a folder to place the recovered file. Browse to a different folder (maybe make a subfolder in the download location) where you have more than 1.7GB free space, select it in the left pane and click OK.
The program will then read the file, listing blocks (sections of the file) that it can not read. If the damage in the setup file is limited to a relatively small section or two, the program can repair the file right away, saving a good version where you previously indicated.
If there is additional damage, the program will list the error 'Not Enough Recovery Blocks' (with a yellow background colour) in the bottom message pane, followed by the fraction of the available recovery blocks (4 at this point) to the total number required. Given the number of blocks you need, if reasonable, I can upload more recovery files (I created files able to repair 1% damage, which is 81 blocks total, 21MB).