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Hey, I've never played Divine Divinity before and am tempted to buy the GOG version. Is the soundtrack issue fixed in the current version of the game or will I need to download a fix?
Proodle: Is the soundtrack issue fixed in the current version of the game or will I need to download a fix?
GOG hasn't released a patch or integrated the fixes into the full installer, so you will still need to download the fix above.
Proodle: Is the soundtrack issue fixed in the current version of the game or will I need to download a fix?
Raze_Larian: GOG hasn't released a patch or integrated the fixes into the full installer, so you will still need to download the fix above.
Ah, thanks for the response! :)
It's a patch release -- this should be sticky!
Thanks Raze and Larian!
I would also like to convey my thanks for this fix to Raze.

The reason I looked at the forum for a sound fix was caused by the occasional "static audio hitches" I had in the game, of which I didn't know the suitable words that described it to find a solution for it on the forum, but found the solution anyway.

And the patch provided here failed to fix that issue for me..

But this did:

If you have that static sound in the game, try the things mentioned in this thread.

First, I tried the 16 bit 48000 hz DVD quality solution, but it didn't completely solve the issue. Only decreased the occurence frequency.

Next, I tried the RunFirst utility solution, and that seems to completely have solved the issue for me. I'll edit this post if the problem persists.

Hope it helps.

Edit: Since we are on the fixing spree, if you are playing the game in High Res (I use 1920 - 1080), you may need to use this fix as well, for the safety of your eyes :)
Post edited October 16, 2013 by Excolion
Raze_Larian: Until GOG releases an official patch (don't know if one is planned), you can download the updated files (div.exe, DivDialogSystem.dll, OsirisDLL.dll) from Dropbox (1.3MB) and unzip them into the 'Divine Divinity' install folder.
Lol, crashes my game at startup.
BlaneckW: Lol, crashes my game at startup.
It is compatible *ONLY* with 1.0061A game release. If You're using 1.005A or older digital release You need to uninstall it first and download 1.0061A digital release then install it and finally update it to 1.0062A.
Yeah, I'd have to do that in any case if I ever played it again.
Many thanks for this fix! :)

I bought this game on GOG to try the English version - though I sank many hours into my French disc version - and was very disappointed when I realized that the dynamic music change didn't work properly. Replacing the div.exe, DivDialogSystem.dll and OsirisDLL.dll files from the GOG installation worked perfectly (running the game on Windows 8).

I hope this gets integrated into a GOG patch at some point. Divinity's music is one of its most defining and beautiful components, in my humble opinion, and it would be a shame for anyone not familiar with the disc version to play the digital one without knowing that they're missing out on an excellent soundtrack.
Is there any way to know of my music is broken?

Having not played the game before I don't know if the music is there or not. There is some music but now I'm paranoid I'm missing out on good tracks
ComradeGoby: Is there any way to know of my music is broken?
In the main menu check the version number in the bottom right corner of the screen. Version 1.0062A contains the music fix, earlier download versions do not. The fix is only compatible with the 1.006 release of the game, not the original 1.005 GOG release (and is not needed for the disk version).

In the game, simply leave Aleroth; the music playing when you are inside should stop when you go through the gate, and different music start (perhaps after a bit of a delay). If you are closer to the Blue Boar inn, or the Ducal inn in Verdistis, there should be music specific to the taverns.
Post edited November 20, 2013 by Raze_Larian
This is awesome! (and now included in the latest GOG installation files)
Wait so the music has been fixed in GOG's version of Divine Divinity? Without having to install anything extra from Raze_Larian's posts?
Point_Man: Wait so the music has been fixed in GOG's version of Divine Divinity? Without having to install anything extra from Raze_Larian's posts?
Seems so.
I did not have to installanything aside use the Gog-installer.