Posted July 14, 2011
Ok, first off I know this game's not gonna be a masterpiece what, with the company's janitor doing the voice acting and all..(Thank Crom for the voice slider!) But I think I have the worst bug known to man! (I'm runnin' win 7 HP 64bit) As soon as the game screen pops up, the screen pans to the right until nothing is seen anymore! And no, I don't have sticky keys, and yes, I did the win 7 Compatibility checklist/Run as Admin (Mandatory for 90% of programs before and 2 yrs AFTER it's release it seems..) but still, nothing...I have yet to see anyone else have this problem, am I the only one?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Post edited July 14, 2011 by takezodunmer2005
This question / problem has been solved by Stuff