tesla2134: It's only one fight at fort joy yeah, and the quest isn't really bugged, looks like it's the quest log is what's bugged which doesn't prevent you from progressing.
I did the fight, got crowned champion of fort joy and when I left act 1 it said I didn't complete it in the log. but when I reached the next arena they acknowledged I did champion Fort Joy's arena and the quest reopened.
Ahhhh hell.
Did not know there would be later arenas.
I really, really, really, really, really hope it's not the same people - "The Burnished One" and others - that I already obliterated.
Oh well if it is, this isn't going to be my only play. Knowing there is another arena, it stands to reason there are even more - likely the last one being epic and "The Burnished One" (who says after your first fight that one fight doesn't mean anything) accepts you and rewards you with something great. Or actually now that I think about it and already fought them - they are a full team, diversified like your own, and may be your final arena fight, though at a higher level thereby giving you more xp and loot than I got for beating them early. Dammit.
^ Not a spoiler, I'm only guessing and hoping I am wrong lol.