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× GOG doesn't let me save it for no discernible reason.

I should've known...'s a Capstone game, after all. What did I expect, other than a horrible, buggy mess?

The one star I have to give this game goes to the concept. If it were functional, I'd have fun with this. I wish I knew of a passable alternative.

Here's an overview on things wrong with Discoveries of the Deep:

- Extremely inconsistent game speed. Regardless of how many cycles you give it, your ship will only move smoothly, as long as you're going straight. As soon as you turn the wheel just by one notch, the whole game starts lagging extremely. Selecting any core or cpu type in the config file doesn't do anything to alleviate this.

- On paper, this game supports MT-32 music output. But select that using the game's config program (alongside the appropriate settings in the Dosbox config file), and you'll be stuck in the office, unable to click on anything.

- The radar isn't centered on your ship. Let me say it again: The radar. Isn't centered. On your ship.
On it you're an icon moving over a map like in any other landlubber game, while the rotating scan line rotates somewhere out on sea, being purely for decoration.

- No bearing is displayed anywhere in the pilot's cabin of your ship. The only way to parse your travel direction while sitting in it is by awkwardly switching between cabin and nav map via key presses, always with a moment of loading.

Give this game the widest berth that you can manage. Outside of the basic concept, Discoveries of the Deep has no redeeming qualities. None, whatsoever.

Luckily, others seem to have noticed the Capstone name on the store page. That there's no posts in this forum at all speaks volumes.
Post edited September 08, 2023 by Ketzerfreund