Mean.Jim: I need to pass an hour to end the day and I can't find anything to do (quests, conversations, etc.) that will pass time. I've already read the books I have and I can't sit on a bench to pass time while Kim is with me. It seems weird that he objects to sitting on a bench but he doesn't care if I stand there and read a book. I guess I'll have to go buy another book.
Kim will also play a board game with you, if you can find one in good order. It's actually totally worth doing this even if you don't need to waste the time, as you get XP for it, and it's pretty entertaining.
Now that I think about it though, it's kind of surprising that Kim doesn't want a rest considering how many times he mentions that you "run everywhere" and how much it tires him out. There's at least one quest where he's actually out of breath at various points - I would think he would WELCOME a rest at those points...