squid830: Just out of interest, have you ever played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (1 or 2)? In those games, being evil is so much more fun than being a good guy.
Generally being "evil" in a game just boils down to either being a bit of a dick (e.g. stealing stuff, or promising not to reveal someone's crime for a reward, then revealing it anyway - minor stuff basically), or killing everyone (which usually results in missing out on quests, unless you do it after the quests have been completed, which feels stupid).
To answer OP: have you ever watched the movie "bad lieutenant"? I feel like Harvey Keitel's character in that, especially at the start. Maybe not to that level by the end - but with more random mental issues. So I'd be doing drugs, getting drunk, asking people for money (or tricking them out of it sometimes), but overall still getting the job done.
BTW low empathy leads to some of the most hilarious dialogue in this game. The two I can think of are "Cock Carousel" and "Fuck the hat". I won't spoil any further if you haven't seen these, but man did those go on. The first one even gets its own quest. ;)
Mass Effect though - IMO Renegade is the best way to play that. I didn't do 100% renegade actions - the first game I managed to get both to a high level, so ended up with more options, and would usually choose the one that made the most sense (or gave the most rewards). Although there were some parts that were pretty messed up as renegade for sure...
wiiseeyou: Yeah, started to play Old Republic 1 but the game didn't really hook me, and when I got to the Wookie planet I stopped playing because the annoying sounds they make while talking.
Chewbaka works in the movies because his lines are short and used sparingly, but being forced to listen to animal sounds for long dialog scenes made me quit the game. But I also was a bit bored at that point, so it was more that I didn't really like the game.
In regards to the Mass Effect games, my preferred play style is Paragon, but with alot of Renegade actions. Like telling certain characters to shut up, murdering NPCs if they try to betray me, and kicking that dude out of the building in the second game. Only choosing one side locks you out from alot of fun dialog-options.
What kind of story do you get if you choose the drinking and stealing options in DE? Can you even progress in the story? Or are you to drunk to function?
Nah, the only negative of drugs and alcohol is that one of your stats is reduced (either health or psychological health) - but sleeping will fully restore you, and if you need the extra health for an upcoming challenge roll or are on your last legs and about to die (or go insane), you just pop whichever healing pill you need.
The game is kind of stingy on the physical health pills at the start (and that's the health that alcohol will wreck), but the mental health pills are all over the place, you can easily end up with more pills than can be displayed at once.
And the bonuses you get from these are generally worth it - but that's modifiable by various "thoughts". Some help you with NOT doing certain drugs, while others give bonuses to them. If you become a fascist (I mean "Nationalist") then alcohol actually gives you 2x the bonus at no extra penalty! Well there is a penalty but it's not related to drugs or alcohol...
Apart from that, the long-term effects appear barely noticeable - in that they won't stop you from completing the game (nor stop you from getting any of the endings), but they do affect how people talk about you throughout the game, as well as the finale.
One time I quit alcohol completely but instead did crap-tons of speed, and at the end I was like "No, I haven't had a drop in days. But I have done tons to speed", and your partner is like "whatever, don't care, just as long as you stop drinking you can snort whatever you want".
Whereas if you keep drinking on throughout, they comment on how you reek and look like an alcoholic (you don't need to be drunk at the time).
As for the stealing and being a dirty cop - most of it you can get away with (unless you count Kym's disappointing comments), and some Kym even "fixes" for you (he reversed one of my more corrupt decisions).
There was actually a point I was searching through a medicine cabinet for some speed, and Kym seriously asked what the benefits of it were. Since my rep with him was good, he was apparently "thinking of trying it, maybe" (he didn't at the time, but he was contemplating it, as opposed to just acting disappointed).
One game I got busted stealing by multiple people - it basically just ends with you looking really embarrassed, taking some psych damage usually, then being left with no other option than to buy the item in question (assuming you want it). Some of the responses are gold!
Actually something worth doing if you go this path: see if you can pass the "composure" check with Renee, after the "incident" with the "shotput.." er... boule... Failing it is pretty funny, passing it is funnier and you get an item. Runner-up is passing the check with Gaston to get his sandwich.... ;)
wiiseeyou: In regards to the Mass Effect games, my preferred play style is Paragon, but with alot of Renegade actions. Like telling certain characters to shut up, murdering NPCs if they try to betray me, and kicking that dude out of the building in the second game. Only choosing one side locks you out from alot of fun dialog-options.
I pretty much did the opposite - mainly renegade with a fair bit of paragon occasionally to provide more options. ME was very simplistic in its approach though...
SW, yeah I can see why you might not enjoy the first one - it's a very basic SW plot (albeit with a nice twist at a certain point, which makes the dark side make even more sense). It's definitely not a game to be played for its combat - although there's a mod that adds cut content, and that includes an additional difficulty level, which is actually somewhat challenging at times.
SW:KOTOR II on the other hand - that is much, much better in terms of plot. The combat is probably even easier than the first one, but there are more/better options as well. There's a lot more nuance in that game for sure, even if you hated the first one with a passion (or were bored out of your skull), I suggest definitely giving that one a go. Apart from overall better plot, you can also influence your party members - either getting them to love you or hate you, both of which tend to unlock extra dialogue and usually also bonuses (most of the characters can become Jedi).
Agree with you on the wookie talk - it's probably more grating because they repeat the same "phrase" over and over. This doesn't improve in the second game, though you only get THAT wookie if you're evil. Apart from his annoying "speech" (which I always just click through in both games for most aliens since I can read way faster than they "speak", especially when it comes to the wookies!), he's a very interesting (and messed up) character.