GOGwiiisfun: Am I missing something or is this game just really simple?
It depends on what you're comparing it to.
Disciples is often compared to Heroes of Might & Magic. Have you played that?
I've played a fair amount of both games, and I tend to like Disciples better--but I think HoM&M is probably the better game.
When I play HoM&M, I often get frustrated. In tactical battles, it turns out I don't have enough ranged units or can't protect my ranged units, or maybe the enemy hero casts a "blind" spell on the units I was counting on to win, and I don't have anything to counter that spell with. It can get a little complicated. On a strategic level, I'll get a couple heroes leveled up and build what I think is a butt-kicking army, and then suddenly I find myself face-to-face with an enemy hero , and it's obvious that his vastly superior army will wipe me off the map in no time. I've occasionally run into that even when playing on Easy level.
So for me, Disciples is a pleasant relief. Tactical battles are pretty straightforward: there are just six fixed unit positions, and you can only attack the rear rank with melee weapons after the front rank is cleared; so you don't usually need any finesse, but just common sense. Still, luck and skill both figure in, so you have to keep an eye on what's happening and adjust as the fight proceeds. Nevertheless, I click the "auto" button for many battles; often there's no need to personally direct the combat.
Strategically, the Disciples maps are set up to channel your armies in certain directions. There's not usually a lot of choice in where to go, so you just keep moving forward, capturing everything you can. But you still have to beware of ambushes and gauge when you're strong enough to attack a city or enemy army. And it pays to prep your attacking force with combat spells or soften up the enemy with destructive spells. Scouting is also important, and that's what thieves are for.
I'd say Disciples is a much less demanding game than HoM&M, but it's still not a no-brainer. I've had to work pretty hard to get through the Disciples 2 saga three times and develop level-10 (or higher) leaders for each of three factions. I'm currently working on doing that with the Empire faction, and it's still challenging--even on the Average level. I'm still not ready to try Disciples on Hard level.
Bottom line: If you're an experienced gamer with a mind like a steel trap, Disciples may indeed be too easy for you. But if you're a regular Joe like me and just slop around with a game, trying to have a pleasant experience with it, you may find plenty in Disciples to amuse and challenge you.