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In the beginning, some bad stuff happened and now all the major divinities of this world are pissed at eachother because they're all outrageous jerks.

The humans worship a Highfather who never actually appears to help them or give them advice. There's a bunch of angels flying around for no particular reason, but they don't actually represent the Highfather at all. Why exactly he thought it would be funny to stick Bethrezen deep inside his own created world and then assign some other gods to manage the place, nobody knows.

The devils follow Bethrezen, who's just like Satan except that his grievances against the Highfather are completely legitimate, and he technically made Nevendarr himself, so it's all his property and anyone who resists his evil ways is just making a bad situation worse.

The dwarves follow Wotan, who was so incompetent at making life that when he tried to make his own "elves," he instead created a race of mole-people. His drunken fury led to the "death" of Gallean and the uglification of Mortis.

Mortis, who used to be called Solonielle, was one of the first goddesses to be given management of Nevendarr. She started off her job by taking a lover, Gallean, and completely ignoring the humans who were supposed to be under her care. Instead she made a bunch of ninja-hippy-sorcerer elves who live in the woods. A tiff with Wotan about whose new race was cooler led to the death of Gallean. Solonielle, being a total bitch, decided then that she would raise an army of undead and use them to kill all the dwarves.

So, right, that's the backstory. What happens 6000 years later is that Bethrezen finally manages to break open his prison wide enough to let a few million demons out. The demons completely overrun the humans, kidnap the queen, and use her infant son as a vessel to house Bethrezen's spirit. The humans fight back, and manage to beat back the demons long enough to seal Bethrezen in for 10 more years. It's really bloody, and frankly I don't get how the economy is supposed to recover in just 10 years when almost everybody is dead.

Meanwhile, the undead attack the dwarves. Because the dead keep rising, the dwarves are overrun by sheer numbers and their king is killed. Whole clans get wiped out, and most of the survivors flee behind a big rune-gate. No one mourns the loss of the world's shortest king.

While this is going on, everyone slaughters the elves, orcs, and lizard people with impunity, because they have no gods to protect them and are therefore inferior.

10 years later, Emperor Desmothene of the humans is having trouble with a civil war in his tattered kingdom. But lo and behold, his departed son Bethrezen! Uther reappears; apparently he'd been kept safe by dwarves and devils! for all of his childhood, and he's inexplicably stronger than all of the old people who wield oversized swords in the Emperor's army. After crushing the rebellion, Desmothene offers Uther the throne, but Uther says he only wants to be King in Hell, and smites the emperor with profane magicks.

After that, pretty much everyone turns on Uther. Half the legions of hell want to kill him because he'd supplant the REAL Bethrezen, and the entire surviving empire wants his head for killing their Emperor. Plus, Mortis needs his blood for an unholy ritual. After being brutally murdered three times in a row, the 10-year old Demon Prince is made to sit in time-out for eternity with a dunce cap on his head.

Mortis' needed Uther's blood to ressurect Gallean. Why she didn't try this sometime earlier in the last 6000 years is unclear. It's also unclear why she really needed to send the ENTIRE undead horde to visit the library before she could get started on this ritual. Anyway, after she gets the blood, the next thing she does is get her hordes to travel to some sacred natural ground in an elven forest. Rather than try using diplomacy on her former creations, she uses the undead to commit elf-genocide on massive scale before reviving Gallean on the sacred ground that has been soaked in elf-blood. Gallean, upon being revived, immediately chides Mortis for being a heartless murderer and for being really ugly. Then he tells her that it's time for them to start seeing other people.

Meanwhile, the dwarves set about rebuilding all the stuff that the undead wrecked in Disciples 1. They fight against all kinds of resistance, but don't really encounter any serious problems until, curiously, Ragnarok comes in the last level of their campaign. Wotan sends down a Valkyrie to report that the gods are fighting in the skies, which probably means that Wotan got drunk and started hitting on Mortis again. The dwarves must then call upon all their runic power to destroy Nidhogg, in what is probably the most poorly-explained battle in the whole storyline.

Afterwards, the Legions of Hell, having failed miserably in their quest to revive Bethrezen and dying off daily, are commanded by their evil god to go kill a crapload of elves, kill the Avatar of Gallean (a son that Gallean apparently had out of wedlock, the swine...), and capture the Elven Mana Wells so that Bethrezen can use their power to turn all of Nevendarr into a volcanic wasteland. At first, this plan seems to work a lot better than the last one.

Mortis, in the meantime, decides that she's not going to try to change her evil ways to regain Gallean's love, or even try talking to him. Instead, she's just going to massacre some innocent elves to capture the dead remains of his bastard son, reanimate the remains into an undead monster, and use the monster to kill a lot more innocent people. Gallean gets pissed and summons a natural abomination to kill his own undead son and everything else in the area, which consequently drives him almost as insane as Mortis. Finally, they empathize with eachother, and resolve to remain seperated for the sake of the children.

The dwarves, still trying to rebuild everything, accidentally help Mortis to call forth Gallean/Mortis' avatar, who kills a bunch of dwarven elders. The dwarves decide that they've had enough of Mortis' crap and blow up her capital city along with everything else she created or controlled. Wotan rejoices by getting drunk and hitting on Gallean.

The empire, in the meantime, is busy trying to rebuild itself AGAIN. The leading contenders for the throne, now that Desmothene is dead and Uther revealed to be a demon in disguise, are Duke Emry, a war hero, "The Duchess," a secret agent woman, and Lord Hangemall Letgodsortitout, the chief Inquisitor. The Duke thinks "The Duchess" is hot but refuses to share power with her initially; instead, he seeks to give the elves military aid in exchange for their support. Unfortunately, Lord Hangemall tricks the elves into thinking that Emry was the dude who killed Gallean's Avatar earlier, and this gets them all upset for some reason. Emry is left with no choice but to brutally massacre all the elves before ripping Lord Hangemall a new Inquisiting hole.

Shortly after he finishes, "The Duchess" flashes the Duke-signal into the sky to warn Emry that Bethrezen is turning her land into a volcanic wasteland. Emry dons his Dukeman costume, climbs into the Dukemobile, and rushes off to save the day. "The Duchess" changes into Duchesswoman, and together the two superheroes use their awesome fuedal powers to slay the giant demon who was in charge of managing the mana-wells, thus saving the day. Then they marry and live happily until the next expansion pack.

Gallean develops a split personality disorder. One part is always crying out for revenge against all the people who have massacred he elves (which is everyone), while the other part is just crying. Under his direction, a new Queen, Warlord, and Oracle become the leaders of the Elven Alliance, which goes around and completely kicks the asses of the Undead, the Empire, The Legions, and the Dwarves. Gallean is so overjoyed by this turnaround that he is momentarily unable to decide whether to cry or cut himself. He compromises by sitting in the dark, listening to emo music and writing bad poetry.

While this is happening, everyone continues to slaughter the orcs and lizard people with impunity, because they STILL don't have any gods and are therefore REALLY inferior.
Post edited November 10, 2010 by Prator
Bravo, that was effing awesome. Had me laughing quite a few times.
this is f'in epic. good work
"While this is happening, everyone continues to slaughter the orcs and lizard people with impunity, because they STILL don't have any gods and are therefore REALLY inferior."

Not to mention the poor Merfolk, who seem to be innocent of everything.
I lol'd.

It was especially odd to be playing the undead campaign all while thinking, "I am killing all these people but really am just serving the vague revenge fantasies of a scorned woman."

Then again, the motive for the Trojan war wasn't all that different.