HunchBluntley: Are the player-created traps single-use, or do they persist for a set amount of time?
The traps are kind of like a proximity mine, and can easily become very deadly.
They stay on the ground for 15 seconds and detonate if anything steps on the tile they are on. After 15 seconds they just disappear. The skill has a 5 second cool-down.
They have to be thrown, and land where the mouse is pointing, which can be tricky because if you're attacking a tall enemy by clicking near it's head the trap will actually miss the enemy. It always takes me a bit to get used to click at the enemy's feet, not their head.
The fire traps do tons of damage and leave lingering fire damage, but only damage a small area.
The ice traps damage a larger area and slow down, but only do moderate damage as well
The net traps are an easy way to immobilize bosses and make sure they don't even touch you. It only takes 2-3 levels for a net trap for it to last longer than the cool-down so you can keep an enemy immobilized.
With all my hunters I have level 3 net trap then specialize in either ice or fire so they do more damage. I usually use them as a defensive skill to hit enemies that are right next to me. A maxed out fire trap will one hit kill normal enemies.
I've never tried the lure skill, but it sounds like a great one to combo with traps.
I've got a Hunter/Ice Mage combo that is pretty fun because the mage's skill boosts the ice trap's damage and makes it even more awesome.
And I was going to agree, after level 50 the game seems to get miserably harder... I've been switching between about 15 different characters and have got two above level 50, for me having lots of characters to switch between keeps the game interesting.