toroca: No one outside of GOG can tell you for
certain what they will or will not do with regards to patches, but my experience has been that they update games relatively frequently when issues are discovered. I've got about 35 games in my GOG library, and I would guess that every week or two I see at least one of them marked as having an update.
Now, I don't use the GOG Galaxy client/launcher since my gaming system is not online, so there may even be updates I've not noticed.
As far as the Dino Crisis games, with the big deal they're making about them becoming available and being inducted into the
Good Old Games Preservation Program, I fully expect them to be watching these forums and looking for things to fix, such as the ones you've mentioned and others have reported. It's in their best interests as a business to make sure high-profile older games like these are widely playable so people can see that the Preservation Program label actually means something.
Thank you for the info, I downloaded galaxy after I downloaded the games as I wasn't sure how it works with updating games offline. I assume if there's an update I just delete the game and re-download it if patches are in the new version for the offline version but I need to research how the galaxy way works.