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Mabas: Guys,

I solved the problem using the code posted by Midoryu with some changes.
I tried to kill RTSS but it stars again immediately after kill it and ther is no time to start the game, then I solved the problem killing both RTSS and MIS Afterburner and after the game starts run both again.

The final code is:

prompt $
@echo off
echo Requires admin privileges, as RTSS runs in admin mode.
echo Ending RTSS to launch DINO.EXE
taskkill /IM MSIAfterburner.exe /F 2>1>nul
taskkill /IM RTSS.exe /F 2>1>nul
timeout /t 2
start "" "G:\GOG\Dino Crisis\DINO.exe"
timeout /t 5
echo Relaunching RTSS...
Start "" "E:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\MSIAfterburner.exe"
start "" "E:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\RTSS.exe"
timeout /t 8

Works fine to me.
This did the trick for me, thank you very much!!!!
This issue has now been fixed via a hotfix to the offline installers.

At least I can confirm it on my end, and I was having the same issue.
high rated
Hey all! The problem has been indeed diagnosed and fixed with the latest hotfix that we've published! Thank you for raising this and sharing your findings, those were really helpful for us!
Now that's the GOG I know and love, thank you guys!
Can confirm its fixed for me. Thanks so much to all the GOG team.
I am using VMware Fusion on Mac M1.

I still face the "Additional Memory Needed" error.

It is strange, as I have 8 BG in RAM.

Anyone knows a solution for this?
same here