Posted Yesterday
Mabas: Guys,
I solved the problem using the code posted by Midoryu with some changes.
I tried to kill RTSS but it stars again immediately after kill it and ther is no time to start the game, then I solved the problem killing both RTSS and MIS Afterburner and after the game starts run both again.
The final code is:
prompt $
@echo off
echo Requires admin privileges, as RTSS runs in admin mode.
echo Ending RTSS to launch DINO.EXE
taskkill /IM MSIAfterburner.exe /F 2>1>nul
taskkill /IM RTSS.exe /F 2>1>nul
timeout /t 2
start "" "G:\GOG\Dino Crisis\DINO.exe"
timeout /t 5
echo Relaunching RTSS...
Start "" "E:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\MSIAfterburner.exe"
start "" "E:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\RTSS.exe"
timeout /t 8
Works fine to me.
This did the trick for me, thank you very much!!!!I solved the problem using the code posted by Midoryu with some changes.
I tried to kill RTSS but it stars again immediately after kill it and ther is no time to start the game, then I solved the problem killing both RTSS and MIS Afterburner and after the game starts run both again.
The final code is:
prompt $
@echo off
echo Requires admin privileges, as RTSS runs in admin mode.
echo Ending RTSS to launch DINO.EXE
taskkill /IM MSIAfterburner.exe /F 2>1>nul
taskkill /IM RTSS.exe /F 2>1>nul
timeout /t 2
start "" "G:\GOG\Dino Crisis\DINO.exe"
timeout /t 5
echo Relaunching RTSS...
Start "" "E:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\MSIAfterburner.exe"
start "" "E:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\RTSS.exe"
timeout /t 8
Works fine to me.