qndel: What guide dude ... it's literally in the message you posted, you just change file extension, can't you read? xD
Nightspirith: a guide to keep the equipment. changing the extension makes the character lose everything and having only gold and no quest saved that means you start a new game with a lvl25 with a lot of gold.
Anders_Jenbo: It's not clear where you got stuck, did you install DevilutionX and put the saves in to %AppData%\diasurgical\devilution ?
Nightspirith: devilution doesnt see any of the saves sadly, i copied it in the correct directory and also changed the extension to hsv
I just had the same problem.
I found out the answer.
Before, your save copy would be in the diablo (or hellfire) folder.
The path has changed.
In the DevilutionX folder, there is a readme.txt.
Read it.
I never do it but it's a good file to read in any software, really.
So here is your answer:
# Save Games and configurations
The configurations and save games are located in: