lukaszthegreat: Are there any mods which allow fast travel?
I don't have time to play the game like when i was a kid with constant backtracking to sell loot and heal myself. Something like infinite town portal or even automatic return to town would be very helpful.
it might make game easier but im ok with that.
Well, there is a spell called "town portal" which you will eventually come across. Initially, once you start getting "scrolls of town portal," you'll always want to keep on in your pack. You want to save those for "emergency" situations, however, and generally should just slog up to the nearest level which has an accessway to the surface.
That's significant. There are several levels, as you descend through the dungeon, where you'll find a means of access to the surface. You won't know where (at least on the first playthrough) but suffice it to say, as you get down to the high-teens in terms of levels, you really only have to walk up through one or two (cleared out already) levels to get to a means of getting to the surface immediately.
In my own case, I've typically made a point of leveling up the "spellbook" version of Town Portal, so I can just teleport (with minimal mana cost) at will. But you have to EARN that capability... it's not given at the outset of the game.