advowson: -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6112 -j DNAT --to-destination $WIN10_VPN_ADDRESS This is the culprit. It says any traffic crossing the device, destined for tcp/6112 on
any system, shall be redirected to the Windows 10 machine. So when you tried to connect to, the connection was rerouted to your Windows 10 machine. Since you aren't running a private server there, the connection simply fails. If you needed this rule (you don't), you could fix it by adding
-d $IP_OF_VPN_SERVER so that it only rewrites traffic directed to the device, but not traffic that merely crosses the device en route to something else.
More generally, your rules could use some attention. You don't need to route 6113-6119 to the same system. You want each of those to be sent to separate internal systems (but maybe this is just a glitch from anonymization). I would also add the
-d $IP_OF_VPN_SERVER qualifiers to all your UDP nat rules, so that they do not trigger when you try to initiate a new UDP circuit with a previously unknown peer.