Posted January 08, 2015
Massive spoilers.
I didnt realize you could save your brother. I was actually reading the wiki for Invisible War. I plan on playing it. However itmentions him in the second game. Which makes me think its cannon that he lives. :/
Kinda jarring. My question is, are you supposed to save him? Im at the cathedral and I feel silly. I mean I looked at his corpse, and I had immersion feelings and stuff. Its gonna be wierd to see him in the next game. :(
I didnt realize you could save your brother. I was actually reading the wiki for Invisible War. I plan on playing it. However itmentions him in the second game. Which makes me think its cannon that he lives. :/
Kinda jarring. My question is, are you supposed to save him? Im at the cathedral and I feel silly. I mean I looked at his corpse, and I had immersion feelings and stuff. Its gonna be wierd to see him in the next game. :(