shoboy: So it's late 2021 and I'm going through this classic again. Same as the original poster, I just want to run through with my "stats" maxxed and relive the moments/feelings of the game. The -hax0r doesn't work for me, but editing the USER.ini file does. Just added the--- bCheatsEnabled=True --- directly under the--- [DeusEx.DeusExGameInfo] --- near the top of the USER.ini file works. Hit T and erase the the word SAY, then I have to type just once per game--- DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True and they work just fine.
Even though I added that cheats enable true line into the USER.ini file, which is supposed to make the cheats active always, I still have to type the initial deus ex jc denton male thing when I play the game. No big deal to me but I cleary remember not having to do this every time I start the game. I was also using WinXP, or something old like that at the time, and the original boxed version with whatever patch was available back in the day. Maybe thats why I have to keep inputing the phrase now since I'm running Win10 64bit and the GOTY version. Who knows, I dont care, they still work.
Hi @shoboy ... Sadly, your technique does not work for me... I'm using GOG version, but [DeusEx.DeusExGameInfo] does not exist in user.ini ... I tried adding that header, plus bCheatsEnabled line, to user.ini, but that had no effect.
Neither T nor Tilde work.
I wonder if this is due to my using the Visible Upgrade mod? It supposedly has its own user.ini in C:\ProgramData, but I don't see any such file(s) there...
Do you (or anyone else) know how to get the debug menu working??