pheenix: Oh you can totally go for a non-stealth build. But I am not finding much reason not to stealth until caught anyway. Unless... there is significant incentive to call those first shots or invade a room via grenade first? And unless I'm mistaken, with great discipline, stealth, even with no specialization, could take you very far.
The thing is, I am approaching this game as a challenge to my ingenuity as well as my reflexes. If I accept that "I want to RP a gun blazer, so let's go shoot dudes!" then I muddle the game-rules, and from that point, none of my interaction with the game will be skillbased to any satisfying degree. If this totally is the wrong approach to the game, since the gaming community seems to frown upon it so much, I'm left wondering what exactly to play for. It's not optimal as a simulator or a choose-your-own adventure, so what's left?
I just want more than blowing off steam out of my gaming. If I don't approach the game from a challenge-perspective, the experience would seem fairly hollow to me.
hmm, I think I get your point now. If the story is not enough to make you play, there's little point in making DX a simple FPS because there are tons of better FPS out there.
How about taking the sneaky shooter approach? You don't have to wait and keep knocking each enemy down when nobody is looking, but try to explore for alternate entrance and shoot enemies when you see them, but from unexpected places such as vents or wells; and turn the turrets against them. It's not your everyday FPS, and on realist difficulty you can go down with a well placed pistol shot. In fact, on realist I find the starting NFS goons more dangerous than later MJ12 troopers, because a basic pistol's headshot is letal while an assault rifle tends to spread the damage and therefore is more survivable.
Alternatively, you can use an absolute stealth approach. I once did a run without using any weapons at all, so no takedowns, no shooting. Just sneaking around avoiding people. It isn't that hard, there's usually some path with little to no enemies which makes things more about exploring than waiting to find the opening to slip through. Then again, I've beaten the game several times already, it may not be that easy to explore the scenarios to that extent on your first run.