This is an easier way to solve it, I posted it on steam forums, this way it works PERFECTLY, no even an problem with DXGL (DX Wrapper). I talk about other wrappers just for knowledge purposes
(For example, DXGL don't wors fine with GEX, but WineD3D works really fine, even I didn't find a way to correct the aspect ratio... Gex works directly without any patch, but the pause menu works slow, it really really slow to resume the game after pausing, and you can get your desktop messy after comming back to it -cause of resolution change-, using WineD3D with Gex, all those problems are avoided).
Desperados, on new Windows versions, have 3 major problems:
- Game crash (with or without a message windows), it returns you to Windows desktop.
- Game slow (or extremely slow)
- Mouse lag or mouse "pseudo-blocked" sometimes.
There are 3 principal DX/D3D Wrappers for trying to solve it (and for many other games):
- WineD3D (Version 1.7.52 -stable-, and 2.14, the actual "dev" version). Compatible for "emulating" DX1 to DX11 versions.
Download: Mirror: - DDrawCompat (v0.2.1 - stable, and the last "dev" version is from Dec 22 2016). DX1 to DX7
Download: - DXGL (0.5.11). For "emulating" DX1 to DX7
WineD3D looks great (based on Wine for GNU/Linux), but, I was not able to run Desperados "perfectly" using it, I had to use DXGL to make it work perfectly (DDrawCompat didn't work "perfectly", either).
DXGL, futhermore, let you to configure some parameters for the games (it include a config app/frontend).
- Correct ascpet ratio stretch, change resolution or to center the image of the screen (without scaling it, a small windows); using bilinear filtering or not; to execute the game in a "exclusive fulls screen mode", "non-exclusing fullscreen", window mode, borderless windows, or borderless windows scales.
- For 3D games, it let you to apply MSAA, Anisotropic; crop to display, stretch to display or expand viewable area, etc.
You need to download and install it. but i'm gonna share a zip file with the 2 only files needed. For Desperados, you need to look for the "Game.exe" file in your installation folder (I bought GOG version, in my version it is not in the installation folder, it is the "Game" folder, wich is into the "installation folder").
When you find the folder wich contains "Game.exe", copy the two files in the same dir/folder.
The launch Desperados, it will work but with the default config.
Get out from the game, execute the "dxglcfg.exe" file.
It should recognize "Game.exe" inmediatly, click over it, and change the options.
If the "Game.exe" file don't appear in the "dxglcfg", click on "Add", it will open a windows for exploring you PC, look for the Game.exe file in it, and change the configuration as you want.
This is how i like it. Applying Bilinear Filtering and Fixing the Aspect Ratio. Here are the files for not installing DXGL: