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Post edited February 07, 2016 by smrtgi19
I've talked to the developers some...they're very approachable and are gonna do this thing right. I'm really excited about it! :)

(It's freaking awesome to hear them talking about things they coded in the original game and decisions they made...)
I'd love the idea of a new descent but this kickstarter campaign is really lame. I don't believe that they can deliver a full release in one year when the current state is pre-alpha.
NightflierRZ: I'd love the idea of a new descent but this kickstarter campaign is really lame. I don't believe that they can deliver a full release in one year when the current state is pre-alpha.
Really? Look at the past games these guys are responsible for (Red Faction, Saints Row etc.) and check how quick the development times were on some of the sequels. Not only are they industry professionals, they pretty much lived and breathed Descent for several years back in the 90s. If anyone can make an awesome 6DOF game within a year it would be them.
That's a really great news !

One of the most important thing about having the original team is that they already know how important the sound assets are in such a game (because they already did a *stellar* job in previous installments).

What I am really curious to know is what improvements they planned for the energy-based weaponry.
Post edited February 28, 2016 by Potzato
Check out their web site, check their Twitch shows. They had one last night for DSVolition
Overload looks very good, too bad it can't be named Descent 4
Post edited October 29, 2016 by Cadaver747
Well, with the Descent IP for sale, I'm hoping they can buy it and make a Descent 4! (Although I don't think Overload would become a Descent game...I think they've said they'd keep them separate).
A_Future_Pilot: Well, with the Descent IP for sale, I'm hoping they can buy it and make a Descent 4! (Although I don't think Overload would become a Descent game...I think they've said they'd keep them separate).
How do you know for sure that Descent IP is for sale and not for licensing?
I thought they said exactly:
"Interplay does, however, still own the Descent trademark, which they are free to use or license as they see fit (such as for Descent: Underground) as long as they don't violate our copyrights."

No wonder that Overload is a separate game but it looks and feels EXACTLY like original Descent with stunning visuals. It's the same game mechanics and level design. Which is awesome. I'll get to that game eventually (when it's released) but it could make million sales for Descent name only. But the universe is cruel and the original creators will get only a fraction from it.
And I thought Doom (1993) was innovative. Descent was the first fast pacing true 3D FPS game. I just finished it for the first time in my life (thanks for DX Rebirth) and it's amazing! I've never felt so satisfied in my video game experience.
There is an insteresting statement in Descent: Underground Wikipedia page:
"In March 2015, Descendent Studios announced a Kickstarter campaign for Descent: Underground, a new prequel using Interplay's existing IP rights to the Descent franchise (with Volition owning the remaining properties, such as the original "Pyro GX" ship and music"

However I can't find any proof of that Pyro GX and music IP belonging to Volition (now part of Koch Media/Deep Silver). Wiki sends to Kickstarter page and there is absolutely nothing about Volition or Pyro-GX except that in Update 4:
"There were a lot of requests for the iconic ship the Pyro-GX.
As we are a prequel to the original, it did not make a lot of sense for us to have that ship at the beginning but rather have a precursor or ancestor to it, and we had planned to bring that in at a later date."
A lot of sense my a$$...

On Descendent Studious forums they played tricky saying that:
"We have had a ton of requests for the Iconic Pyro-GX ship in our game - but being a prequel, we were planning to show the BIRTH of the 1st iteration of the Pyro - in the single player portion of the game."

They're trying hard to look like it's their decision to not include Pyro-GX. Why of course it's a prequel, the technology wasn't ready that's why we have mega missiles, smart missiles and bunch of all other ships. You want Pyro-GX? No way, we decided that prequel can have anything but your beloved ship please have fun with Torch-KS. So you still insisting on Pyro-GX, ok give us 100$ and we get you a nice Pyro (without GX). That's just great logic.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by Cadaver747
Actually the Descent assets (Pyro-GX, etc.) belong to Parallax which is made up of the same people who are now in Revival Studios. Also, Interplay is selling off a bunch of it's IP in batches, including Descent. (I don't have an article link handy cause I'm on my phone). That's what I was talking about :)
Here it is:

"Leading video game software developer, publisher, and licensor, Interplay Entertainment Corp., today announced a process to sell its library of video game assets and intellectual property. The expected sale represents some 70 titles and dozens of characters.

"Interplay has entertained millions of players with its well-recognized games, including Earthworm Jim, Freespace, Giants, Kingpin, Messiah, MDK, Run Like Hell, Sacrifice, Battlechess, Clayfighter, Dark Alliance, and Descent. As game creators, we are proud of the entertainment these properties have provided over the years. With the proliferation of mobile, augmented reality, virtual reality and other new forms of consumption, we believe that consumers are ready to experience and interact with Interplay's characters, stories and game play in ways never possible before. We look forward to seeing how this unique portfolio of interactive entertainment icons will evolve for the worldwide audience," states Eric Caen, President of Interplay.

For more information about Interplay's sale of intellectual property, please contact Joe Morgan at Wedbush Securities (, who has been engaged by the company to assist in this process."

Post edited November 01, 2016 by Cadaver747