Posted December 18, 2012

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

Your Next!
Registered: Oct 2008
From Canada
Posted January 23, 2013
I was some what interested in this game (namely 'cus it was on sale) but what put me over the edge of buying this game is how close you seam to be working with the people who have purchased the game and had some concerns. Developers/Publishers like Ubisoft would just assume people where trying to pirate the game they purchased and turn a blind eye. But you have been working really hard to reassure people and to abolish the problems altogether that I just had to purchase your game.
It's so refreshing to have a company care about the people who purchased their product after they have gotten their money.
It's so refreshing to have a company care about the people who purchased their product after they have gotten their money.

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted January 23, 2013
I saw this game on sale today and was just about to buy it when I saw the reviews mentioning the horrible adobe air installation and tracking info, so I thought, awww shame, I can't get this now, but then I checked out the game forum and saw this thread with developer input about removing/disabling the naughty bits, so I am going to buy it right after I post this comment. Cheers :-)

New User
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted January 23, 2013
What the last two commenters said - this engagement with the community and openness is something to be rewarded. Sold.

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted January 23, 2013
Thanks for the updates, transparency is a good thing. I like to know exactly what I'm installing. This is definitely a factor in my purchase.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Poland
Posted January 23, 2013
Just finished playing the demo, I'm buying the game tomorrow.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 23, 2013
Just wanted to let you know, due to your responsiveness I've decided to buy this game =).

Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted April 07, 2013
So... is Adobe Air and data tracking removed then? The second the spyware is removed I will buy this game.

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted April 08, 2013
Also, installing the Adobe AIR runtime is no longer required on Mac/Windows. Adobe AIR features are enabled by packaging the runtime as local dll (and whatever the mac equivalent of that is) inside the game's installation directory; this reduces the pain of installing it separately and presumably removes the security risk of having an OS-wide runtime installed.

Videogame Addict
Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted April 26, 2013
Great news. I recently tried web demo (It's like a game version of crack, Lars!) and I'd like to buy it on GOG but Adobe Air requirement put me off. Thanks for developing a new version and informing about it.

Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted May 19, 2013

It means that you're much less likely to have unasked for content unxpectedly bring up the AIR runtime. And so long as that's avoided, the primary risk is gone. But it doesn't remove it from your system, so if some clever exploit relies on running that stuff, it might be possible to run it via the dlls in the install directory, depending upon many factors. Also, if just having those dlls running at all represents a security problem (say their networking implementation is vulnerable to backchannel attacks) then obviously that would still be a concern.
Personally I am not concerned about these potential risks. There are many potential risks when running any particular binary; especially unvetted commercial ones like the entirety of Microsoft Windows, so we have to pick risk levels we're okay with, and this doesn't seems unusual.

Maduro Man
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted June 21, 2013
Like so many others here, Lars, I just want to say thank you for your transparency and willingness to work with the community to provide a version we can all feel pretty safe in purchasing and enjoying. I, too, would have avoided this like the plague if it had stayed as intended. Now, I'm happy to give you my money. Well done, and I hope more devs see this and learn from it.

New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From Thailand
Posted June 25, 2013
The transparency and willingness to cooperate with community are great proves that this game is really meant for you and the team.I appreciate that and wholeheartly thank you :)
btw , just bought defender's quest recently after finish the demo.This game came from nowhere and blast me to the extent , great hybrid of rpg and tower defense with very intriguing story :D
btw , just bought defender's quest recently after finish the demo.This game came from nowhere and blast me to the extent , great hybrid of rpg and tower defense with very intriguing story :D
Post edited June 25, 2013 by Crazygamer

New User
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 02, 2013
Same for me too, just bought it here.