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Right after launching the game it crashes, right before the "press start" screen. I saw that I had to disactivate the Nvidia Experience overlay, and I did, but it still crashes at the same moment... Would be cool to release games when they're actually finished, especially little games like this. :)
Post edited July 21, 2021 by SenkiDala
SenkiDala: Hello,

Right after launching the game it crashes, right before the "press start" screen. I saw that I had to disactivate the Nvidia Experience overlay, and I did, but it still crashes at the same moment... Would be cool to release games when they're actually finished, especially little games like this. :)
No posts from the dev on their other game, doubt they'll pay attention here. No mention of gog either on socials.
Well, I asked a refund then, no time to waste with not serious game devs, too bad because it seemed cool. : /
I´ve skimmed the Steam forums and I think the devs aren´t very active there either. These days, many developers focus entirely on their own Discord channels for communicating with their fans - I´m assuming this might be the case here as well.

Regarding the crash on startup, it seems a lot of people are experiencing the same issue. The bug is mentioned in the pinned Thread on the Steam forums ( ), alongside some basic suggestions as to how to fix it.

1. Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date, some crashes can be a result of D3D initialisation not working correctly.
2. If you had played the game fine and then come back to find it crashing it seems it might be something to do with a resolution setting or using multiple monitors, Unity (the engine this game is made in) stores some of these variables in the registry, then on startup if one of those entries has some issue it can cause a crash. We are looking into why this happens but for now you can try the following to get the game running again:
Open registry editor (start > type regedit > enter) and find the deaths door entry under SOFTWARE/Acid Nerve/DeathsDoor and delete all the entries in that DeathsDoor folder
This will reset any of these stored variables and you can try running the game again.
3. If the above didn't help please post below.
SenkiDala: Hello,

Right after launching the game it crashes, right before the "press start" screen. I saw that I had to disactivate the Nvidia Experience overlay, and I did, but it still crashes at the same moment... Would be cool to release games when they're actually finished, especially little games like this. :)
On PC it is impossible to predict the behavior over all the PC in the world. But in compraison to most of the games that have been relaase in the past 2 decades this game is ultra polished, if all the games came out as it would be so good.