wintermute.: As far as I can tell the Unity Engine is very popular at the moment because it is a multiplatform engine to the extent you can easily provide a game on smart phones as well as desktop PCs without investing much time into the porting. Also the engine is free under some circumstances, so especially indy devs prefer this solution. However, I had much technical trouble with Unity Engine games in the past while I never had problems with other game engines to the extent of games insta-crashing on certain points in the game or not even starting at all, related to the engine as I learned from patchlogs later or by feedback in forums.
Blizzard is for sure a studio big enough to hire professional developers, but I can't say anything about the quality Heartstone will deliver or how much problems where related to the Unity Engine and how much where related to developers without much experience. It's just something I had observed in the past and I'm at a point tending to stay away from Unity Engine games, at least if they are expensive.
Hey Wintermute,
Sorry to hear you had issues starting the game, and I'm glad you were able to sort out a solution that worked.
I own an Optimus / NVIDIA notebook myself and the game was tested on this hardware without encountering the problems you describe. That said, I have had my fair share of grief with Optimus technology so I do sympathise!
To be honest, we were disappointed that Unity doesn't provide better API options for detecting hardware capabilities, so we could have more control over tweaking things in the background. Hopefully it's something they'll attend to in future updates to the engine.