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Too many games keep getting ruined by the permadeath gimmick meme. Even on sale, I don't want to grab this game.
I play games for enjoyment, you know, fun.

permadeath isn't fun. It's just "Oh LOL grind some more" it isn't exciting or anything good. Just saying. It's the year 2021 and some games intentionally don't let the player save their game whenever they want. Backwards. I'm just done with this "feature" and I can't bring myself to support anything with permadeath anymore. More and more games seem to contain permadeath every day, and I'm deciding right now that I don't want to ever play a game with permadeath ever again. I rather be bored than to play something that frustrates me.
Post edited March 12, 2021 by fridgeband
I hear you. Like I have nothing better to do with my time then replay the same things over and over? I'd like to give developers piece of my mind when I 'died', but I would just get banned, instead I will never buy anything from this studio again.
This is a zombie game, so we are made un-dead :;
fridgeband: Too many games keep getting ruined by the permadeath gimmick meme. Even on sale, I don't want to grab this game.
I play games for enjoyment, you know, fun.

permadeath isn't fun. It's just "Oh LOL grind some more" it isn't exciting or anything good. Just saying. It's the year 2021 and some games intentionally don't let the player save their game whenever they want. Backwards. I'm just done with this "feature" and I can't bring myself to support anything with permadeath anymore. More and more games seem to contain permadeath every day, and I'm deciding right now that I don't want to ever play a game with permadeath ever again. I rather be bored than to play something that frustrates me.
This is why the game has this medal feature, you get to boost your new starting character with charater points gained in the past life and set other things for your new game. This is a little bit like Into the breach however it was better implemented there.
fridgeband: Too many games keep getting ruined by the permadeath gimmick meme. Even on sale, I don't want to grab this game.
I play games for enjoyment, you know, fun.

permadeath isn't fun. It's just "Oh LOL grind some more" it isn't exciting or anything good. Just saying. It's the year 2021 and some games intentionally don't let the player save their game whenever they want. Backwards. I'm just done with this "feature" and I can't bring myself to support anything with permadeath anymore. More and more games seem to contain permadeath every day, and I'm deciding right now that I don't want to ever play a game with permadeath ever again. I rather be bored than to play something that frustrates me.
jinxedster: This is why the game has this medal feature, you get to boost your new starting character with charater points gained in the past life and set other things for your new game. This is a little bit like Into the breach however it was better implemented there.
I have played games in the past with similar features that try to reward the player with bonuses for the next playthrough, but for some reason this is never good enough and never makes me happy, and isn't really a solution to the artificial problem of permadeath that was added in the first place, seemingly to frustrate and inconvenience players into magically enjoying games with permadeath more. Just saying, honest feelings on it. I'm surprised I got any replies in this thread, and it feels good to know I'm not alone with being frustrated about permadeath in games.
I hope everyone has a nice day.