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I can't believe this! Another Darkstone lover and Avenger quest player! I started playing this quest 10 years ago (wow! can't believe it's been that long) and almost finished it. It's a very long and complicated quest and i kept playing for at least 2 years on and off and Foucter himself was guiding me because i had a lot of questions. I think was his website. I changed my pc and was unable to finish (the saved games can't be transferred to another pc) though i only had one more crystal to go.

To play a very easy quest i made try this very simple one:

UPDATE: I found the original page in the wayback machine:

I've dug around and found two pages in .html form saved on my computer which i am sharing;
the first page is identical to the one above; the second one is nowhere on the net as far as i can see:

Good luck!
Post edited March 31, 2022 by Vivienne_99
Vivienne_99: I can't believe this! Another Darkstone lover and Avenger quest player! I started playing this quest 10 years ago (wow! can't believe it's been that long) and almost finished it. It's a very long and complicated quest and i kept playing for at least 2 years on and off and Foucter himself was guiding me because i had a lot of questions. I think was his website. I changed my pc and was unable to finish (the saved games can't be transferred to another pc) though i only had one more crystal to go.

To play a very easy quest i made try this very simple one:

UPDATE: I found the original page in the wayback machine:

I've dug around and found two pages in .html form saved on my computer which i am sharing;
the first page is identical to the one above; the second one is nowhere on the net as far as i can see:

Good luck!
Thanks! I got about halfway through the Avengers and then my computer died and I couldn't transfer all of the half finished games! I think that I have all of the custom quests on a thumb drive
because it is really a bummer that the Taucher site is no more!
I was directed to this site by a user on steam where all the quests can be found as well as other files:
Post edited April 11, 2022 by Vivienne_99
Vivienne_99: I can't believe this! Another Darkstone lover and Avenger quest player! I started playing this quest 10 years ago (wow! can't believe it's been that long) and almost finished it. It's a very long and complicated quest and i kept playing for at least 2 years on and off and Foucter himself was guiding me because i had a lot of questions. I think was his website. I changed my pc and was unable to finish (the saved games can't be transferred to another pc) though i only had one more crystal to go.

To play a very easy quest i made try this very simple one:

UPDATE: I found the original page in the wayback machine:

I've dug around and found two pages in .html form saved on my computer which i am sharing;
the first page is identical to the one above; the second one is nowhere on the net as far as i can see:

Good luck!
Vivienne_99: ... I changed my pc and was unable to finish (the saved games can't be transferred to another pc) though i only had one more crystal to go.
I recall it's possible to transfer saves to other computers. When the game creates a save it also stores the computer name in the save file. You could either use a hex editor to change it or use a program made to do it more easily. I don't remember the process or where to find the program but I'm sure some searching will find them.
I tried transferring my game but gave up after a few unsuccessful attempts. That saved game is long gone now. The quest is interesting enough that I’ve played the first four dungeons several times; I think the complexity of the the last three dungeons just makes it too tiresome to complete for me anyways. Some of the riddles are very difficult and there’s some decoding involved; I actually kept a notebook and pencil nearby to help with that during gameplay.
Post edited July 18, 2023 by Vivienne_99
I know this is an old thread, maybe even a necro one, but I'm stuck on this quest.
I have the only page of the guide and I'm at the last three dungeons with several pages written down for the riddles... still no clue. Anyone remember anything? Any help from the internet savants who saved th guide or remember the adventure?
I really don't want to give up since I've come so far but I admit that I've very limited time to game and scouting inbetween dungeons in order to get a hint or an idea... well, it's getting dishearthening.
Love the game and thanks to the author to have provided such a complex custom quest!
Sorry for the late reply as I only saw this today.
This is entirely from memory as I haven't played this in years but I vaguely remember:
There's a lot of hunting in the fifth and sixth dungeons for swords and artifacts from the crypts and we also find a medallion which we shouldn't keep for too long. The swords have to be placed in the land somewhere to make something happen or someone important to appear. There's also a place where we can make potions which can increase our stats. There is another medallion we would have found in the first dungeons where there were some crypts (where the orc boss is) that we will have to use in the third land on an island. This will make one of the previous dead queens show up. Unfortunately this is one of those Darkstone quests where we have to be super thorough in finding everything even if it seems irrelevant at the time. There are also a couple of very convoluted side quests that are randomly generated. That is why it took me years to play this on and off and regrettably I still haven't finished it.
I really wish the author had included a walkthrough with all the spoilers somewhere, maybe in a pdf form. A lot of work went into the creation of this quest and it would be nice to be able to finish playing or finishing the story by reading spoilers.

I saved 2 pages in 'html' form a long time ago and shared them in this forum some time ago. Save them to your computer and open them with your favorite browser:


I recently created 2 text files as well: As their names suggest, they are messy to read but you may still find hints and tips:

Not much help I know but i hope this helps anyways.

UPDATE: I found this in a .txt file today deep in my external hard drive: this will help 'decode' some of the messages

a = ( R ) k = ( T ) u = ( X )
b = ( K ) l = ( M ) v = ( L )
c = ( E ) m = ( G ) w = ( F )
d = ( P ) n = ( S ) x = ( Q )
e = ( C ) o = ( B ) y = ( D )
f = ( H ) p = ( J ) z = ( I )
g = ( N ) q = ( O )
h = ( U ) r = ( V )
i = ( W ) s = ( A )
j = ( Y ) t = ( Z )

BJCSCP opened
ZUC ACEBSP the second
WH DBX ERSZ ACC if you cant see
DBXV VCRPD URSP your ready hand BLCVUCRP overhead
ACC KCZZCV see better
RPLCVZWAC advertise
MCHZ URSP KBQ left hand box
ZVXC AWNUZ true sight
FUD ZUVCC FWSPBFA why three windows
EUCET ZUC AWNS HBV PWVCEZWBSA check the sign for directions
filament room: EBXSZ ZUC FBVPA count the words
Now what? Use the "ACOXCSEC" at the "EMCRVWSN." sequence clearing
library: HWSP ZUC TCCJCVA find the keepers
The spike door is closed passed the glitter traps. Follow the "SBVZU JRAARNC ZB MCLCV."north passage to lever
The door to the Mines is closed. Look for "ZUC AFWZEU, ZBFRVPA YRWVWZUA JMREC."the switch, towards jairiths place
So what's the secret of the levers? What "PWP ZUC JBMCA ARD?"did the poles say
What else happened? "EUCET ZUC VBETA."check the rocks FRVSWSN warning
The Rock Pile Maze how do i get through "ZVWRM RSP CVVBV" or "ZUC AFWZEU."trial and error / the switch
lower spikes ARGC RA ZUC NRZCA same as the gates EUCET ZUC VBBG check the room
the Glowing Band? "UCMJA FWZU VBETA helps with rocks
What proof does Thisslarr want? "TXNSBNA MCZZCV." kugnogs letter
open the Wizard Seal Use the "TCD" from "TXNSBNA MRWV."
level11 Treasure you say? Passed the "NVCRZCV JBBMA BH MWVVMWT". greater pools of lirrlik
Humm. How do you open it? Find the "AZBVCVBBGA". storerooms
17How do I get passed the launchers? "AUBBZ ZUCG".shoot them
The Ethereal Stair Portal is closed. "ZRMT ZB ECMLCSR".talk to celvena
Find the skull switch, there's one for each set

I don't think it's possible to play this quest without these hints. Hope this helps anyone who is playing. Good Luck!
Post edited August 03, 2023 by Vivienne_99
Vairie: I know this is an old thread, maybe even a necro one, but I'm stuck on this quest.
I have the only page of the guide and I'm at the last three dungeons with several pages written down for the riddles... still no clue. Anyone remember anything? Any help from the internet savants who saved th guide or remember the adventure?
I really don't want to give up since I've come so far but I admit that I've very limited time to game and scouting inbetween dungeons in order to get a hint or an idea... well, it's getting dishearthening.
Love the game and thanks to the author to have provided such a complex custom quest!
It's a small world after all. I think you're the same person I wrote to on the Steam forum :D
It has been a long long time. I see that the last post was a year ago nearly to the day. I thought I would type a little "hello" because I am working on coming back to this game. That means learning to play Darkstone again. That's the hard part, remembering The Avenger is easy, plus I "have detailed files."

I go now to make some cue cards for the controls, and maybe start a new game.

For the curious, this will be a nuts and bolts of my game. There is so much packed into it that I "finally" want to make sure you don't miss any of it. It will also be my first time playing straight through the game. I have playtested each part, but not as a whole. I know of only one "game crashing" bug that is easy to avoid, but it's not until Level 20.

I will haunt this forum from now on.

Gracious greetings,
Randall "Foucter" Rutherford
Has anyone played the mod Mondo Mayhem? It had been a while since I played Darkstone so I decided to play one of the custom quests. I am having an issue on Level 10 because one of the crucial "gold pieces" has fallen into what looks like a secret room. I cannot find any way in there and I'm not even sure that it is not just a bug in the game. There is also a locked room with a cauldron that seems to have no way in. Any help would be appreciated!!
Foucter: It has been a long long time. I see that the last post was a year ago nearly to the day. I thought I would type a little "hello" because I am working on coming back to this game. That means learning to play Darkstone again. That's the hard part, remembering The Avenger is easy, plus I "have detailed files."

I go now to make some cue cards for the controls, and maybe start a new game.

For the curious, this will be a nuts and bolts of my game. There is so much packed into it that I "finally" want to make sure you don't miss any of it. It will also be my first time playing straight through the game. I have playtested each part, but not as a whole. I know of only one "game crashing" bug that is easy to avoid, but it's not until Level 20.

I will haunt this forum from now on.

Gracious greetings,
Randall "Foucter" Rutherford
Welcome!! :D
I’m glad Foucter has shown up here at last!
I have thought of replaying ‘The Avenger’ and uploading my gameplay on YouTube ( I’ve already done this for my small quest: )

I haven’t gotten around to doing it yet with real life obligations and all that but maybe I will in a couple of months.
Vivienne_99: I’m glad Foucter has shown up here at last!
I have thought of replaying ‘The Avenger’ and uploading my gameplay on YouTube ( I’ve already done this for my small quest: )

I haven’t gotten around to doing it yet with real life obligations and all that but maybe I will in a couple of months.
Hi Vivienne_99! 8)

Yes, I'm back. I am, when I have time and energy, playing my way through The Avenger. I'm about halfway through Marghor, on Level 14 of the Mines. I can't remember whether I mentioned this above, but I have never played my game all the way through. I playtested each level, machine, etc; but not from start to finish. It's a long game.

I have a number of things to do for The Avenger, and one thing for all Darkstone players. The later will come first once I do some information gathering, and make sure I don't break any GOG rules.

I will be around! 8)