Joka1980: All letters in the menu and during dialogs and such aswell as the mouse arrow have black boxes aroud them wich makes reading a real pain. Do anyone else have encountered this problem or is it just me? Using a MSI Laptop with a GTX 1050 and windows 10.
Just read another threads in this forum, like this one: and this one: Everyone who wants to play Darkstone without such bugs - use dgVoodoo 2, it is a best solution.
Also, you can create BAT file with the following content:
start /affinity 1 darkstone.exe -32bit -full -nointro -sortbyz -colormouse And then, run Darkstone via this batch file. This will fix the problem with non-colored mouse cursor, etc.
Don't be lazy, everything's been said already
Read this one: And try to add
-sortbyz to the shortcut target (or use .bat mentioned above). It can help. If not, then use dgVoodoo.