cogadh: Stupid question: did you check the "Use Joystick" option in the Gameplay settings?
Stupid question 2: have you checked the Control settings to be sure those functions are mapped properly?
I just d/l & installed DSO, ver 1.3+. I can't get my Logitech Extreme 3d joystick to work, even tho' I selected it in control options (Q 1 -above). Default showed "joy 1", "joy 2" as alternate keys. When I go to the games flight training screen I can't move in any direction. And the mouse doesn't work to get messages and other items at the top of the screen.
My joystick IS recognized by my computer, all axes & keys work in test mode, and the joystick works fine in other flight sim games on my computer.
If I try to set up the joy keys (Q 2 - above) into the primary or alternate key control window, select the key with the mouse, get the "press key" msg, & actually press my joystick buttons does nothing. I'm dead in the outer space.
If I go back to mouse control, I can change azimuth and elevation but I don't ever fly with a mouse. Besides, it's too sensitive and I overshoot wildly any maneuvering target. For fun I shot a turret out on the space station, then tried to track to cops that attacked. Thppppth. I didn't get a hit on one!
I have a custom built quad processor computer, XP, Gforce 8600 card.
Please advise. Sincerely frustrated, OneMug