Rae2005: So has there been anyway to fix the save issue with the original dark reign? i somehow had it working for a little bit then it stopped and I ran it as admin and it worked again and again stopped it seems that some file is missing or something.
It works for me on Windows 10 Pro, though it does crash every time when I exit the game. I do use Norton Utilities to clean up my computer on a regular basis. It's my Diablo 2 SSD lol, hence I update it every so often when I get the urge to boot it up (Plugy version)
Maybe copy your save files to some folder and try a clean re-install after rechecking for all updates? (OS, drivers, GPU, etc.)
Then again, GOG does post this warning below in the store page for Dark Reign and other Windows 10 games.
"Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility"
So, who knows. Windows updates do mess up things sometimes. Maybe they'll get it right with Windows 11?
P.S. I also installed it as Admin. This and D2 are the only games I have installed on Win10, all others I install as Admin on Win7, since I also disabled the network on that SSD anyway given there are no more updates and everything works so far.
P.P.S. I haven't used any fan patches or anything like it, just FYI. Just a simple offline installer, no Galaxy.