BobBlusoe: That makes sense. In your opinion, do you think that Light's Out plays any roles in the Dowerton mysteries? I play the ganes with my sister, and one thoery we have might be that the "dark fall" was somehow accidently created by Malakai during his problem. And since Malakai can cause problems all over time, the Dark Fall can too. Like I said though, this is just a thoery as I haven't yet played The director's cut of Light's Out or Lost Souls.
Considering that time warps and time wipes are the recurrent subject in the series, it's a possibility, i guess, even if the periods affected by Malakai don't match those where Dark Fall manisfested itself.
I tend to think of Malakai as a second, yet different and unwilling, Dark Fall all on its own, difference being Malakai isn't inherently evil and acted out of necessity, and the AI actually seemed pleased that all the bad stuff it caused would be wiped once it 'returns home'
Dowerton's Dark Fall is more like the primordial evil with not much of an agenda other than being evil.