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I have this gamedisc but there is a game breaking bug/crash when you get to theWwyndrax Tower and have to beat the wizard... after he escapes through the fake bookshelf he arrives into some iced forest... and then the game crashes...

Anyone knows if the GOG version have this bug fixed?
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Lelo4Ever: I have this gamedisc but there is a game breaking bug/crash when you get to theWwyndrax Tower and have to beat the wizard... after he escapes through the fake bookshelf he arrives into some iced forest... and then the game crashes...

Anyone knows if the GOG version have this bug fixed?
As far as I know, GOG version is latest with all patches/bugfixes applied. But that doesn't change the fact it can behave little different on various machines. Similiar example (but different engine) is Blood 2: some people don't have even single problem with it, other ones have common crashes. Daikatana is no longer plain Q2 engine, rather than that even in production process was heavily modified beyond point of recognition for people who mastered editing Q2. It's kind of less fortunate Q2's equivalent of Build's Shadow Warrior.
Lelo4Ever: I have this gamedisc but there is a game breaking bug/crash when you get to theWwyndrax Tower and have to beat the wizard... after he escapes through the fake bookshelf he arrives into some iced forest... and then the game crashes...

Anyone knows if the GOG version have this bug fixed?
I also get this crash 9 out of 10 attempts on my Gamersgate Daikatana v1.2. Doing a little googling it appears the problem is that saving on that problem Wyndrax map (Wyndrax Tower part 2) doesn't work right on Win2k+ and the program becomes unstable.

The GOG release seems to suffer from the same bug. I can warp myself to Wyndrax with cheats and reproduce the crash, but I haven't done a normal playthrough on the GOG release yet.

Unfortunately, the only solution appears to be to tough it out and make sufficient attempts or to go back to an earlier save on another map and work your way back to Wyndrax Tower part 2, completing it without a save (not hard if you know what you're facing). I have personally tried completing the Wyndrax Tower part 2 map without saving and made it through without crashing (on Gamersgate Daikatana). If you wish to try this, know that Wyndrax part 2 starts just beyond the door with a lock on Wyndrax part 1 so make sure you do your saving before that point.

For reference, here's one of Daikatana's programmers commenting on the bug on Dec 20, 2000 in their .plan file:

Hmmm, and on another note... there was a minor save game issue that I was just made aware of concerning Daikatana and Wyndrax. It appears that there is a possible 'time' that you can save the game on the Wyndrax level (right before you get to him) that can get corrupted. This will cause the game to crash if you try to fight him from a load game... and I say this with extreme caution ... because I need to take a much closer look at the problem. If I get a chance, after the New year, I will see what can be done. For now, if you have been running into this problem and have a save game before the Wyndrax level then load that and try to play through the Wyndrax level without a save... hahaha... hey it makes it that much more of a challenge! :)
This bug happened to me, luckily knowing how fidgity and glitchy Daikatana can be I save at least once every level and keep that save as a back up, as all Daikatana players should.

After numerous attempts to kill Wyndrax before he started his attack animation with his staff, which initiates the freeze, I gave up in frustration and came to the internet for help. One YouTuber showed a video that if you were quick enough, using the Ballista you could kill Wyndrax fast enough to stop the freeze. Didn't work for me.

The above post from Snickersnack does in fact work. Luckily I had a save on Dungeon which I loaded up. Played through Wyndrax Tower parts 1 & 2 without saving (dying and reloading from the last load slot doesn't seem to cause a problem) and was able to fight Wyndrax in the snowy wood section.

TY for the solution, as this would be a gamestopper without knowing about the save issue.
Although this is not famous crash-bug look what happened to me when I was returning to elevator with Crypt key. When crossing corridor with lightning bolts, I was literally fast-pushed into wall while damaged and after that I got those absurd armor/health amount. O_o
This is what I did: beat him with the ballista during the first fight.
Use the cheat Rampage, and one shot kill him after he opens the bookcase. Grab the staff ASAP and boom you're safe.
ShadowWulfe: This is what I did: beat him with the ballista during the first fight.
Use the cheat Rampage, and one shot kill him after he opens the bookcase. Grab the staff ASAP and boom you're safe.
Thanks man, that was the only way that worked for me (already did the level without saving 3 times :/ )