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Changelog for Update (added 09 November 2021)

Galaxy updated (09 November 2021)
Offline Installer updated (12 November 2021)

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Patch is now live!

Hey all,

We just updated Conway with patch!

This was created from your feedback on the forums so thank you everyone for engaging with the game and letting us know the issues you encountered.

The patch notes are as follow:

Large fixes

- Fixed a crash issue in Doerr Manor Servant's Quarters
- Fixed an issue with click and hold prompt staying around on screen when hold and drag wasn't enabled
- Key rebinds now save upon reloading
- Fixed an Inventory lock out bug if you press screenlock immediately after leaving an item
- Fixed an issue with cursor disappearing on gamepad in certain instances

Quality of life fixes

- Added an additional Closed Caption option so that subtitles can be displayed without closed captions

Spoiler fixes

- Fixed potential hard lock caused by leaving Tony Morgan lockpick
- Shirley Downes' office scene save's state correctly on loading level
- Snooker QTE has additional accessibility setting enabled
- McKee tram ticket brightened to stand out in scene more
- The car door now attaches correctly to Catherine's hand upon re-loading the scene

Minor fixes

- The dumbwaiter puzzle now lets you open the doors once you’ve got the lift to the correct place if you’ve tried a few different variations first
- Inventory prompts now re-appear when returning from pause menu to inventory whilst inspecting a pickup
- Some Spanish localisation fixes
- Some Chinese localisation fixes
- Area names can now extend past background

As always, please do let us know of any issues you experience and we'll continue to monitor and fix.

Thank you all for your time and input in our work, it's hugely appreciated.

Happy investigating!

- The White Paper Team
Source: Steam
Changelog for Update (added 11 November 2021)

Galaxy & Offline Installer updated (11 November 2021)

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Patch is now live!

Hey all,

We just updated Conway with Patch!

Moving into week 2 since launch, it's great to see everyone enjoying and feeding back to us on their experience in Dahlia View!

We've put together a set of patch notes found below but as ever, please do message us if you spot anything you'd like us to take a look at:

Large fixes

- Removed the need to go back to the mallet in the McKee's level if player has already started the conversation when coming from a load which caused a blocker

Quality of life

- A saving progress message now communicates to the player when the game is saving
- Added refinement to Conway movement when bumping into things + his turn speed to help player accessibility
- Can now enable 'Alternate Gamepad Prompt Textures' in the 'gameplay menu' to display alternative prompt icons


- We now save on completion of evidence review so you don't have to reply if quitting out before the next scene starts
- 'Use Mouse Interaction' option now saves correctly

Minor fixes

- Hidden Annabelle's cigarette in the Opening after it detaches so it isn't left floating by the step after she leaves
- Fixed an issue when loading back into Downes' pub, where the character is invisible
- Fixed issue where you could click on invisible wheelchair box when Tony is sat in it
- Fixed an issue where the player could teleport on top of desk in the pub
- Fixed issue where under certain instances, you were able to advance into the barrel room in Downes level before the player has unlocked the padlock on the door.
- Update issue in Downes' level where player can interrupt dialogue mid conversation when interacting with other objects in the office
- Fixed an issue where the jumper cables in Levy's Garage could be broken

Thank you all for playing our latest work and please do consider reviewing the game on Steam as this is the number 1 way to help get our work out to more players. The word of mouth is everything!

- The White Paper Team
Source: Steam
Post edited November 25, 2021 by Hustlefan
Changelog for Update (added 25 November 2021)

Galaxy & Offline Installer updated (25 November 2021)

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Patch is now live!

Hey all,

We just updated Conway with Patch!

Over the past few weeks it's been incredible to see all the positive reviews coming through on Steam and they help our small team so very much when getting the word out to players so thank you all for your continued support in our work!

We've put together a set of patch notes found below but as ever, please do message us if you spot anything you'd like us to take a look at:

Large fixes

- Fixed an issue with being unable to progress if player leaves after starting the conversation in Shirley's office and then reloads
- Annabelle now responds correctly to all lines in her conversation

Quality of life fixes

- Completed a pass on all levels to tweak the 'No hold and drag' movement speed option
- Implemented 'No hold and drag' in McKee pantry
- We now display the version number on the options screen

Minor fixes

- If player succeeds in throwing the tension wrench they are now removed from the screenlock
- When reloading after leaving the Lady Doerr conversation, the player is unable to retrigger the family scroll
- Fixed an issue where you could turn on the 'No High Accuracy Input' accessibility option whilst in a lock pick meaning you couldn't use the lockpick mechanic
- Fixed an issue where a section of Lady Doerr's conversation would be partly faded to black
-Fixed issue in Levy's Garage where if player was to return to the flat, the exterior is not loaded correctly

Thank you all for playing our latest work and please do consider reviewing the game on Steam as this is the number 1 way to help get our work out to more players. The word of mouth is everything!

- The White Paper Team
Source: Steam
Changelog for Update (added 13 January 2022)

Galaxy & Offline Installer updated (13 January 2022)

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Patch is now live!

Hey all!

Firstly, we want to say a massive thank you to everyone leaving reviews. As of writing we're at 90% positive player reviews so it's great to see you all resonating with our latest game!

We also want to say a big hello to all our new players who picked up Conway over the winter sale - thank you so much for taking a chance on our detective game. We hope you enjoy what you play!

In regards to patch, we've been able to make lots of small tweaks across the game based on the feedback we're getting from you all so thank you so much for helping support our game.

We've included the patch notes below but as ever, please do let us know if you experience any type of issue whether it be a bug or usability and we'll be sure to take a look.

Large fixes

- The Notepad no longer extends off the edge of the screen incorrectly on 16:10 resolutions
- Fixed a bug where some audio is still audible when the master volume has been set to zero
- the brightness slider in settings is no longer changeable when on a different setting page
- Cursor no longer disappears in the accessibility settings on the cognitive multiplier section when navigating down to “back” and then back up again
- the menu logo no longer flashes white

Quality of life fixes

- we have added Updates to vo across the game, improving the overall volume balancing

Minor fixes

- fixed a bug where you could open inventory and notepad between rolling up to taking the picture at the end of Doerr Manor which causes the game to get stuck in inventory, unable to progress
- In Levy's Garage, restarting the game after water pump valve is attached not longer locks
- Fixed a crash when in loading the game and starting a key conversation with Lady Doerr
- You can no longer interact with the cryptex before the note
- Fixed a bug where, after taking a photo of the drain in the McKees’ pantry, if you quit the game before leaving the pantry and load back in, you would get stuck in the pantry
- at Lord Doerr’s desk, whilst in third person view, pressing the inventory button on gamepad and trying to enter the screenlock before the inventory fully fades no longer breaks the first person camera
- when entering screenlock at the first poster in the Crow’s Nest, the camera no longer intersects Robert Conway’s body
- whilst passing the notice board in Levy’s reception area, the camera no longer incorrectly switches to first person
- the fuse switch in Downes’ delivery room has been updated for easier interaction
- if the player was to let go of the music box lid in McKees’ before fully opening the lid, they would lose the ability to use it again
- Checkpoint has been added for completing the introductory/tutorial evidence review

As always, please do keep us updated with any issues you may be experiencing either on the forums or via email at and we'll be sure to continue to collect feedback and work on any patches that need creating.

Source: Steam
Changelog for Update (added 09 February 2022)

Galaxy updated (09 February 2022)
Offline Installer updated (11 February 2022)

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Patch is now live!

Hey all!

We can't thank you all enough for everyone leaving reviews - as of writing we're at 93% recent positive player reviews!!

We also want to say a big hello to all our new players who picked up Conway over the Lunar sale - thank you so much for taking a chance on our detective game. We hope you enjoy what you play!

With patch, we've been able to put a lot of small fixes into the game of anything people have highlighted on their playthroughs.

We've included the patch notes below but as ever, please do let us know if you experience any type of issue whether it be a bug or usability and we'll be sure to take a look.

Main Fixes

- Two sets of lockpicks in Levy's garage have had their keys changed from a combination of C, J & T to X, J & T to prevent keyboard 'ghosting' issues

Small Fixes

- The candles in Doer Manor now save their state
- Prevented Lady Doerr defaulting to wrong location in intro
- Fixed an issue where the metal door in Levy's Garage could end up locked shut, preventing player progression
- Prevented a situation where player could not progress Doerr key conversation because all the boxes on the key are disabled

Quality of Life

- 'Inspect' and 'Use' item prompts now display when you hover mouse over “notepad & inventory” bar at top
- When opening inventory bar, “click to use and f to inspect” is now displayed on items

Spoiler Fixes

- Fixed an issue when leaving Levy’s Garage during door closing, it glitches back open
- Fixed an issue where the cryptex is solved but sometimes the cipher stayed on screen

As always, please do keep us updated with any issues you may be experiencing either on the forums or via email at and we'll be sure to continue to collect feedback and work on any patches that need creating.

Source: Steam
Changelog for Update (added 24 June 2024)

Galaxy updated (24 June 2024)
Offline Installer updated (26 June 2024)


Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Patch is now live!

Hello everyone, we are excited to reveal our latest update to Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for the continued support. Your input is what helps shape Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View, and allows us to add cool requested features and quality of life fixes here at White Paper Games.

Since we have regained publishing rights of Dahlia View IP, we have been hard at work planning out a path of support for the game. Below you will find one of the first updates which puts us on the path to console release, but also includes some nice improvements for PC players.

In you will see a new feature, Scene Select. This will allow players who have completed the game to go back and relive chapters that they have enjoyed across the game. We’ve also made a key change to where the game saves. This was flagged by one of our communities and has been addressed in this patch. More on save game changes can be seen in the Save Games Changes section below.

As ever, please continue with the feedback on issues you encounter, no matter how small and we will try to look into them. We are aware of some broken translations, which we are hoping to address in the next patch. However if you do encounter some of these in non-english playthroughs, please let us know as having more visibility on it helps us correct the mistakes.

Big Feature
- Once Players have completed the game they are now able to select a checkpoint to play from. Players will notice the Scene Select option once they return to the Main Menu after the Closing Credits. Scene Select is only accessible from the Main Menu, not in level.
- Players can now play with a frame rate of up to 120 FPS by disabling ‘CAP AT 60 FPS’ in ‘Options - Gameplay.’
- Players will now find Save Games written to ‘AppData\Local’ rather than ‘Documents.’ (See Save Games section below for more details)

Small Fix
- Fixed a crash where players would return to the game after tabbing out of the game for an extended period of time.
- Sometimes when Save Games are displayed in the Load Game menu, they would appear to show Opening preview - however would load the correct level. This has now been fixed to show the correct Save Game level in the Load Game menu.
- Addressed a number of accessibility issues across the game with coloured subtitles.
- Fixed an audio issue in the Accusation that impacted being able to hear spoken lines.
- Players will no longer see squashed ‘Question Board’ or ‘Evidence Board’ titles during Evidence Reviews when playing in Chinese.
- When players swap between Mouse/Keyboard and Gamepad, there is a chance that they lose the highlighted option on the new game settings and can’t click ‘Next’ to progress. This will no longer be the case and players will have the selected option re-highlighted with the next button being pushed after swapping. Players will now see the Language menu also highlight the option selected like the other menus that follow it.
- Fixed issue where no dialogue played on the Theatre Tickets in Conway’s apartment.
- Platform Credits updated to reflect what Platform you are on.
- Players will no longer see the tutorial for rotating a pick up when they aren’t examining a pick up. Please note that as soon as you rotate a pick up you will not receive the tutorial on following pickups.
- Players are no longer blocked if they interact with the Basement Door and then reload the checkpoint.
- We added an additional camera lock in the opening so that interactions across all police evidence are consistent.
- Camera fix inside of Levy’s Garage where the camera would not swap when re-entering the waiting room area.
- Camera no longer snaps when moving to/from Doerr Hallway and Front Room.
- Players are no longer teleported back to Tony Morgan's front door after speaking to him in Opening. This happened after Morgan's walk off animation completes and if the player is still exploring.
- Players will no longer see items hovering in Doerr’s Manor and Mckee’s Apartment.

Quality of Life
- Ensured all characters have coloured subtitles instead of default white.
- Players are only required to have picked up one dart to be able to play darts instead of 2/3.
- Fixed a camera fade issue in Conway’s apartment to provide consistency to camera interactions.
- Players will no longer hear the background ambience when the credits are rolling, allowing players to enjoy the soundtrack.
- Players will no longer see the item name of the last item used when the Satchel is empty.

Spoiler Fix
- Radio aerial now appears in Levy’s bedroom consistently and thus doesn’t block players from progressing in the game.
- Players will no longer be unable to progress in Doerr’s Basement if they don’t catch the key but interact with the Basement Door before picking it up from the ground. Key on the ground is also re-shown (in bottom right corner) if the player backs out of the interaction without taking the key.
- Players will now see a separate save/load image and title for Shirley Observation and Shirley Search to fit more consistently with the other Observation if you saved/load during them.
- When photographing Charlotte May’s bed in Lady Doerr’s basement, players are now prompted to use LMB (Mouse) or RT (Gamepad) rather than F (Keyboard) or A (Gamepad). This aligns it with other photo interactions throughout the game and corrects the wrong prompt shown on Gamepad (previously shown A but required input was X).
- When viewing/interacting with the Coupler Handle after selecting it from the box, Zoom and Take prompts now appear the correct way around and now are consistent with other pickups.
- Players will no longer see an updated bio notification for Shirley Downes in Conway’s Notepad when the player picks up the brooch in the Epilogue - players then read the bio and there is no new information added.
- Players will no longer see the Cryptex in their inventory after Conway drops it.

Save Games Changes
We were made aware that some players have been unable to progress past the starting options screen. After some investigation we narrowed it down to a Windows Security Feature called ‘Controlled Folder Access’ which can be optionally enabled. This security feature was introduced in Windows 10 and has been carried over into Windows 11, which when active, limits access to certain folders including ‘Documents,’ where we created our Save Games.

As of this patch,, we have made a change that means Save Games are now stored in ‘AppData\Local’ rather than ‘Documents.’ This change means players who have ‘Controlled Folder Access’ active are no longer hindered from enjoying our game.

What does this mean and how does it work?
For new players, you are unaffected by this change as you do not have any existing Save Games. For returning players with Save Games, as the game launches it copies saves from ‘Documents’ to ‘AppData\Local,’ without the need for players to do anything. It should be noted that if you have existing saves in ‘AppData\Local’ already, we do not copy over the saves from ‘Documents.’ This is a choice we made so that we do not overwrite any existing progress you may already have.

Where can I find my old saves and where will the new ones be located?
- Old saves are located here: Documents\My Games\DahliaView\Saved\SaveGames
- New saves will be located here: AppData\Local\DahliaView\Saved\SaveGames

How do I access AppData?
AppData is, by default, a hidden folder but you can still access it. If you want to unhide hidden folders, you can do the following:
- On Windows 10, locate ‘Settings,’ then select ‘System,’ click ‘For Developers,’ open the ‘File Explorer’ drop down and finally toggle ‘Show hidden and system files.’
- On Windows 11, locate ‘Settings,’ then ‘Update & Security,’ click ‘For Developer,’ under ‘File Explorer’ and ‘Change settings to show hidden and system files.’

You can then navigate to the disk you installed Windows on (most likely C:), then go to ‘User,’ select your account/user, ‘AppData’ and finally ‘Local.’

Example of the path: C:\Users\John\AppData\Local

Alternatively, in ‘File Explorer,’ click the file path box, type %LOCALAPPDATA% and hit enter. This will take you to ‘AppData\Local,’ from here you can locate 'DahliaView\Saved\SaveGames.'

I want to copy over my Documents saves / It didn’t copy over my saves from Documents
The most likely reason why it didn’t copy is mentioned above, there is already a save in ‘AppData\Local’. If this is the case or would like to recopy your saves over, you can delete the saves in ‘AppData\Local\DahliaView\Saved\SaveGames,’ and it automatically copies them over on game launch. On the other hand, you can manually copy the save from ‘Documents’ and overwrite the saves in ‘AppData\Local.’

As always should you have any issues, please get in touch using
Source: Steam
Post edited July 16, 2024 by owen_wpg
Changelog for Update (added 15 July 2024)

Galaxy updated (15 July 2024)
Offline Installer updated (17 July 2024)

New Name, Same Dahlia View

Hello everyone, another update within 2 weeks of the last. This update isn't as packed as the last but not to worry, we are working behind the scenes to bring more content and bug fixes.

In this update, we decided to change the name from Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View to Dahlia View. There were a few reasons for this, but among them we found the name to be overly long and not as memorable for players to recall the name of.

You will notice we have also updated the logo, to reflect the new name. You will see the logo below across all storefronts (Steam, GOG and Epic Store), as well as being updated in the game too.

Additional Fixes In The Update
We have also addressed a couple of issues where Achievements weren't unlocking for players. One where the game wasn’t connecting to the storefronts correctly to push achievement progress. The second around the savegame preventing progress being pushed if you played disconnected from storefronts, and then used scene select to re-complete the same achievement while connected. These should now be working, however you will have to complete the action that unlocks them again. We recommend using Scene Select (unlocks on game completion) to quickly reach the levels rather than starting a new game.

Thank you for your continued support and hope you continue to enjoy the game. As always, please don't be afraid to reach out if you encounter issues, get stuck or just want to share with us or the community.

We are reachable via, we also monitor Steam forums, our Discord ( and social channels.
Source: Steam

[Patch Notes]
Hello everyone - this is a short patch notes as its only a small update. So I will link here

Quality of Life
- Updated the in game logo to use the new Dahlia View logo.
- Updated the splash screen to use the new Dahlia view logo.
- Updated the game icon.

Small Fix
- Fixed an issue where achievement progress wouldn't push to relevant storefronts.
- Fixed an issue where savegame would stop the unlocking of achievements when using Scene Select after playing disconnected.

Regarding Achievement Fixes
Players will have to complete the action that unlocks them again. We recommend using Scene Select (unlocks on game completion) to quickly reach the levels rather than starting a new game.
Source: Steam
Post edited July 16, 2024 by owen_wpg