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Nephilim88: You spammed the same answer on several topics, but I choose to reply here: what's your point? There must be a reason why that person is not at EA anymore. And what's the base for what you affirm, that it is only done to fix finance issues? Did you miss the news about the gigantic bonuses for the managers?
wayke: What's the bonus for ? pretend theft of I.P or ripping off customers and getting away with it. They had their time it's up for me.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on the case.
You shouldn't discuss your findings on public forums, I think it's against policy.
And yet, you didn't answer my questions :'(
I don't feel ripped off, they're still working on fixing the game so I want to give them time. And this is not the time to be pissed off either, let's see what we get when they stop working on the game. All this salt is just unnecessary.
Post edited June 01, 2021 by Nephilim88
low rated
wayke: What's the bonus for ? pretend theft of I.P or ripping off customers and getting away with it. They had their time it's up for me.
Nephilim88: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on the case.
You shouldn't discuss your findings on public forums, I think it's against policy.
And yet, you didn't answer my questions :'(
I don't feel ripped off, they're still working on fixing the game so I want to give them time. And this is not the time to be pissed off either, let's see what we get when they stop working on the game. All this salt is just unnecessary.
That's nice for you, I'm not here to solve your problems either or answer your questions when you demand it.

And as I said "for me"

If you don't know but lacking the power of Observation is not a skill and what's with your defensive tone over my post do you have vested or financial interest in the product that has been a rather large failure..
high rated
wayke: If you don't know but lacking the power of Observation is not a skill and what's with your defensive tone over my post do you have vested or financial interest in the product that has been a rather large failure..
So you call your opinion the "Power of Observation"? Stop spamming the game's thread because you feel like a video game martyr.

You didn't like the game, we get it... but bossing around the employees of a company you have not link to and telling them "they had their time" like you manage their work schedule only shows how spoiled and winy you are. Guess your parents never told you no when demanding that candy...
low rated
wayke: If you don't know but lacking the power of Observation is not a skill and what's with your defensive tone over my post do you have vested or financial interest in the product that has been a rather large failure..
ysperchy: So you call your opinion the "Power of Observation"? Stop spamming the game's thread because you feel like a video game martyr.

You didn't like the game, we get it... but bossing around the employees of a company you have not link to and telling them "they had their time" like you manage their work schedule only shows how spoiled and winy you are. Guess your parents never told you no when demanding that candy...
The employees are not at fault here, What's with you strawmen people.
feralstripes: I already beat the game multiple times,
frogthroat: Imagine how many times you would beat the game if you would actually enjoy the game.
It's trash.
But Witcher 3 remains a classic.
Who knows, maybe this company can make something good again... I doubt it, though.
TencentInvestor: But Witcher 3 remains a classic.
A classic that took them one year and a half to fix, and not even properly considering there are still a few minor glitches here and there. A classic that did not really give you all the freedom you have with Cyberpunk 2077, despite maybe actually having more choices (even though just a handful of them actually count towards the ending).
So yeah, I think it's still a bit early to talk about failure.
Post edited June 19, 2021 by Nephilim88
TencentInvestor: But Witcher 3 remains a classic.
Nephilim88: A classic that took them one year and a half to fix, and not even properly considering there are still a few minor glitches here and there. A classic that did not really give you all the freedom you have with Cyberpunk 2077, despite maybe actually having more choices (even though just a handful of them actually count towards the ending).
So yeah, I think it's still a bit early to talk about failure.
I respectfully disagree as I did on the other thread. W3 was not the same buggy mess and certainly game mechanics were not as broken. I played W3 on Day 1 in 2015 and did the same with CP77 on Day 1 in 2020 - not the same level of "broken". IMHO anyway.

I'm not sure what freedom are we talking about in CP2077 that is not present in W3? Choices are scripted in both and once the game main and side quests are finished, both game worlds become empty shells - like any real single player RPG does once the adventure is over. CP2077 game world is smaller and its quest lines are shorter and less engaging (second point being IMHO).
Nephilim88: A classic that took them one year and a half to fix, and not even properly considering there are still a few minor glitches here and there. A classic that did not really give you all the freedom you have with Cyberpunk 2077, despite maybe actually having more choices (even though just a handful of them actually count towards the ending).
So yeah, I think it's still a bit early to talk about failure.
midrand: I respectfully disagree as I did on the other thread. W3 was not the same buggy mess and certainly game mechanics were not as broken. I played W3 on Day 1 in 2015 and did the same with CP77 on Day 1 in 2020 - not the same level of "broken". IMHO anyway.

I'm not sure what freedom are we talking about in CP2077 that is not present in W3? Choices are scripted in both and once the game main and side quests are finished, both game worlds become empty shells - like any real single player RPG does once the adventure is over. CP2077 game world is smaller and its quest lines are shorter and less engaging (second point being IMHO).
I mean the fact that, with Geralt, you only get to be a witcher of the Wolf School. That's it. That's who you are.
In Cyberpunk 2077, you can be a corpo, a nomad, a street kid, a netrunner, a samurai, a gunslinger, and so on.
Nephilim88: A classic that took them one year and a half to fix, and not even properly considering there are still a few minor glitches here and there. A classic that did not really give you all the freedom you have with Cyberpunk 2077, despite maybe actually having more choices (even though just a handful of them actually count towards the ending).
So yeah, I think it's still a bit early to talk about failure.
midrand: I respectfully disagree as I did on the other thread. W3 was not the same buggy mess and certainly game mechanics were not as broken. I played W3 on Day 1 in 2015 and did the same with CP77 on Day 1 in 2020 - not the same level of "broken". IMHO anyway.

I'm not sure what freedom are we talking about in CP2077 that is not present in W3? Choices are scripted in both and once the game main and side quests are finished, both game worlds become empty shells - like any real single player RPG does once the adventure is over. CP2077 game world is smaller and its quest lines are shorter and less engaging (second point being IMHO).
You are obviously right. Truth and reason are on your side. However, you probably know that this matter not in this perverted world. After all, the Russians are called evil aggressors while Nato murders more people than anyone else in the world and advances east.
midrand: not the same level of "broken". IMHO anyway.
Intuitively a good point. However, a bug is not the same as a bug. The amount of bugs and how a glitch shows up on your screen may not tell much. Some bugs are easy and quick to fix. Some take months. Some glitches really blow up on your face visually, or look dramatic, but are not that serious. Like various t-poses and the owner of a car getting stuck under the car. But some bugs are hidden and can surface only after tens of hours of gameplay. And then the whole save game is ruined because of some silly overflow error.

Any speculation about the number of bugs or how long the bugfixing takes is just that, speculation. We don't know their total numbers of reported bugs, the severity, how deep they go, how many other things they affect if they change any code, nothing.

So while we can start guessing with the already existing timeline of TW3 patches, it cannot be more than speculation that may or may not be off by miles. It took them 1.5 years to fix TW3. Are the bugs, while many, as severe on the backend as TW3 bugs were? Or perhaps more severe? If less, then it might be more or less fixed in less than 1.5 years. More severe, perhaps longer than 2 years. Perhaps their bigger team size is making it faster? 300 people still working on this. This is the reduced number. TW3 had a team size of 250. But also the game is much more detailed and complex than TW3 so that slows things down and makes everything more complicated.

So you see, it is not that easy to compare or indeed, even to estimate how long this will take. I work in software and I see this every day. I so pitied the devs in 2020 when I read about their crunch. I had just finished our crunch that lasted more than half of 2019. 2019 will forevermore live in infamy in my memories. I guess I am trying to say that, in my not-completely-uneducated guess, the best answer to times and severities of those bugs is "who the hell knows! Not me! Not you! And anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't really know either!" Just imagine me shaking my fist and yelling this to pigeons at a park.
midrand: I respectfully disagree as I did on the other thread. W3 was not the same buggy mess and certainly game mechanics were not as broken. I played W3 on Day 1 in 2015 and did the same with CP77 on Day 1 in 2020 - not the same level of "broken". IMHO anyway.

I'm not sure what freedom are we talking about in CP2077 that is not present in W3? Choices are scripted in both and once the game main and side quests are finished, both game worlds become empty shells - like any real single player RPG does once the adventure is over. CP2077 game world is smaller and its quest lines are shorter and less engaging (second point being IMHO).
Nephilim88: I mean the fact that, with Geralt, you only get to be a witcher of the Wolf School. That's it. That's who you are.
In Cyberpunk 2077, you can be a corpo, a nomad, a street kid, a netrunner, a samurai, a gunslinger, and so on.
Ok, I understand now what you are referring to. For me that is just a facade - yes, you are formally a street kid vs corpo, but your gameplay experience is 99% the same. So does that really matter? You will face the same quests, have 99% of the same dialog choices etc - it makes no difference. That's not freedom to me (or not more of a freedom in any substantial way).

Combat is more customisable, agreed, as you don't really have range combat in Witcher to any substantial degree and stealth is non-existent.
midrand: not the same level of "broken". IMHO anyway.
frogthroat: So while we can start guessing with the already existing timeline of TW3 patches, it cannot be more than speculation that may or may not be off by miles. It took them 1.5 years to fix TW3. Are the bugs, while many, as severe on the backend as TW3 bugs were? Or perhaps more severe? If less, then it might be more or less fixed in less than 1.5 years. More severe, perhaps longer than 2 years. Perhaps their bigger team size is making it faster? 300 people still working on this. This is the reduced number. TW3 had a team size of 250. But also the game is much more detailed and complex than TW3 so that slows things down and makes everything more complicated.

So you see, it is not that easy to compare or indeed, even to estimate how long this will take. I work in software and I see this every day. I so pitied the devs in 2020 when I read about their crunch. I had just finished our crunch that lasted more than half of 2019. 2019 will forevermore live in infamy in my memories. I guess I am trying to say that, in my not-completely-uneducated guess, the best answer to times and severities of those bugs is "who the hell knows! Not me! Not you! And anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't really know either!" Just imagine me shaking my fist and yelling this to pigeons at a park.
Fair point, I have no idea how long it takes CDPR to fix the game - especially as we don't know what will be fixed and what will forever remain "broken". The state of the game suggests that it might take longer than W3 to fix and continued interest in the franchise will determine size and quality of the add-ons / DLCs. I agree the game mechanics are more complex vs W3 just because of the setting - however CP77 is a much, much shorter game than W3 from story perspective, so that should offset it somewhat.

I don't have high hopes for this franchise so perhaps CDPR can surprise me yet in a positive manner :)
Post edited June 20, 2021 by midrand