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Last update which didn't do much and actually added bugs to the game was 2 months ago, and we're almost a month out from the cryptic tweet saying 1.3 was on it's way. I haven't even started the game in almost 2 months because despite everything I like about the game I simply lost interest.
Heartstopper: Last update which didn't do much and actually added bugs to the game was 2 months ago, and we're almost a month out from the cryptic tweet saying 1.3 was on it's way. I haven't even started the game in almost 2 months because despite everything I like about the game I simply lost interest.
Hope is still resident in me, but the writing on the wall is that CDPR has cut their losses and are diverting resources to their proven Witcher IP. To me, this looks a move to appease investors because the Witcher market has been Nancy Kerrigan'd by the company's Cyberpunk marketing deception (namely preventing reviewers from posting reviews before launch), lack of real support after release and ensuing silence.

As one who claims The Witcher 3 to be the best game I've ever played, I can't understate how underwhelmed I was to hear they're working on a 4th Witcher game.
the less they say about future updates the more i lose hope in CDPR in general. GOG has been slacking off as well, it used to be good old games, but now it seems its just games, not to mention that the good old games most of the time dont function well with modern hardware, which what gog was all about, at lest i thought it is what they were about., hell steam has better versions of the same game. sigh...
I liked CP2077 but the wasted potential in that game could not be more obvious if it tried. They need to pull off a miracle with those updates to make the game come even close to what they promised and advertised. The lack of communication does not fill me with confidence.
In less than two weeks they will have their Consolidated semiannual report for H1 2021.

The patch 1.3 is confirmed that it is on the way.

They are trying to get the next gen console versions out during this half.

Although it may be just a joke, there is some hints that a DLC might be coming soon.

The silence and all of the above points lead me to believe a "soft relaunch" is imminent and most likely close to the Consolidated semiannual report.

Keep in mind CDPR held radio silence from 2013 to 2018 and even then they Tweeted one word.

Last year CDPR's stocks were starting to plummet due to public and therefore the stock holders getting anxious and they released the software too early. I hope they do not do the same mistake now. They really should not be listening to anyone who demands a half-finished product right now instead of waiting for a finished product later. But the situation is not 2013-2018 now, so they also should not hold total radio silence. They messed up, so they should be more communicative at this point. But still... I rather have the patch, DLCs and expansions when they are ready even if it takes longer, rather than have them now and repeat December 10th.