ast486: I know they'd had some setbacks lately.
I'm still hoping they get one out, cause I'm still getting CTD's.
What you guys think?
FTSO: I do prefer they come back in August with the DLCs already tested using some sort of 1.5 or 2.0 build, plus any hotfixe necessary, etc. This is not the most profitable strategy, especially with the user base getting smaller, but for me is better they do not rush, if this make any sense now.
I do not have CTDs since launch, not going to list the state of any other unusual thing I saw during the gameplay, tired of this, but I am not using Windows 7.
it's because of the Win 7? no clue... they need to improve a lot of things, like, a lot.
I'm not saying they should rush; I do want the CTD's fixed MUCH sooner then august though. lol
ast486: I'm on the 64 bit version.
Only thing on my end that's a bit slow is I'm using a 7200rpm HDD
The crashes are totally random... sometimes it plays for hours with no problems; sometimes crashes right after I load in.
No ryhme or reason that I can see.
While I appreciate the attempts to help, it's nothing on my end.... just hoping they get another patch out.
Even if it's just bugfixes, I'd be happy to have one. :-)
pianoman.503: I apologize for lashing out, ast486, and it is true that the game's system requirements do mention Win7 in its compatibility list, although I wouldn't put too much trust in that, since game companies in general include the lowest common denominator, in order to not alienate users with older and slower computer specs.
That said, I have a few ideas that may or may not help; are you up to date on your chipset and video card drivers, and that your motherboard is updated with the latest stable BIOS? How old is your video card? I assume that your Win7 patching is all up to date? Also, when was the last time that you installed the current version of your OS? Sometimes older installs do have a weird way of getting registry corruptions, from the remnants of older drivers. Finally, you could try different versions of video card drivers, to see if that helps out with CTDs. I hope that helps, and of course, we all want CD Projekt to come out with a new patch:)
Thanks; I appreciate the apology.
This install is only two years old and I updated the grahpics driver twice since doing the install of 2077.
Also updated bios recently and the only thing not default is the memory factory overclock... XMS I think it's called.
Chipset and stuff is the newest ones on the manufacturer website as of when 2077 came out or around there.
My video card is a 2070s, which I bought just last year.
yeah here's hoping there is a patch soon!