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The Johnny Silverhand and the Jackie Welles. What are they like? Are they good drinks? Is there a non-alcoholic equivalent? I would like to try them myself, but I can't drink anymore because booze and psych meds are a bad combination.

The Johnny Silverhand:

The Jackie Welles:
Have not tried. In a similar situation for similar reasons. They sound tasty as heck, though!
J Lo: Hello!

The Johnny Silverhand and the Jackie Welles. What are they like?
The Jackie is pretty much a standard vodka ginger ale, but with a double vodka.

The Johnny Silverhand is interesting. Tequila with a splash of beer? Without the beer it would be similar to my favourite shot: The Flatliner.

Use a tea spoon to build it in layers:

Bottom: 2cl Sambuca
Middle: a thin layer of strong hot sauce (Tabasco if you don't have anything better)
Top: 2cl Silver Tequila (Gold works, but it doesn't look as nice with gold tequila and sambuca being different colours)

It's lovely. Sweetness of Sambuca, sharpness of tequila, with the warmth of hot sauce.
J Lo: Hello!

The Johnny Silverhand and the Jackie Welles. What are they like?
frogthroat: The Jackie is pretty much a standard vodka ginger ale, but with a double vodka.

The Johnny Silverhand is interesting. Tequila with a splash of beer? Without the beer it would be similar to my favourite shot: The Flatliner.

Use a tea spoon to build it in layers:

Bottom: 2cl Sambuca
Middle: a thin layer of strong hot sauce (Tabasco if you don't have anything better)
Top: 2cl Silver Tequila (Gold works, but it doesn't look as nice with gold tequila and sambuca being different colours)

It's lovely. Sweetness of Sambuca, sharpness of tequila, with the warmth of hot sauce.
Thank you!
J Lo: Thank you!
Oh, a small addition. The Johnny Silverhand has tequila old fashion as the base.

Old Fashioned is bourbon/whiskey with sugar, orange peel and angostura.

Tequila Old Fashioned is when you replace bourbon with tequila and sugar with ... what's that plant tequila is made of? Anyway, syrup made from that same plant.

So The Johnny Silverhand has hints of orange and bitter as well.

edit: Angostura is very, very bitter. Only a couple of drops. Not more.
Post edited May 12, 2021 by frogthroat
I've had many many flatliners when I lived in the UK, but they don't seem to serve them in the places I've lived when I still drank, here in the US.
There's actually a couple YouTube channels that have tried to recreate the drinks from the game. Check out How to Drink and Cocktail Chemistry.
Nephilim88: There's actually a couple YouTube channels that have tried to recreate the drinks from the game. Check out How to Drink and Cocktail Chemistry.
I'll look it up. Thanks!