Anakin-Skywalker: What you call 'optimal' varies between people and systems. Two people can have the same GPU and have totally different experiences based on the remaining components and other factors like temperature, disk speed, etc...
The tests they did worked fine for their computers with those specs, they had to test it they didn't just pull a model out of their backside and there are a lot of people with older GPU's that are having great experiences - my brother is one of them... but you have to keep your expectations low when you are basically just passing the bar of 'minimum'
ToveriJuri: Recommended is not just passing bar of minimum. Recommended should at least give you 1080 60FPS without having to resort to low settings, but with this game it can't even go to 60.
GTX1060 is recommended. There are separate minimum requirements which is something as ridiculous as GTX780
I doubt this game runs even at 1080p 30FPS on a 780
Games like this are examples that fly in the face of techtubers and the like saying "No one should buy a 3080 for 1080p". Well if I want to utilize that 1080p/144hz display of mine fully, YOU BET I WANT A 3080 for this. My 2070 is giving it all it has and there is NO WAY I am maxing out 1080p/144hz here,
With Cyberpunk, it seems like the goalposts have moved yet again! It really is a shame they gave those low recommended specs. It's inexcusable.