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For some reason, every time I shoot someone's head even with a shotgun in front of their eyes, the head doesn't explode.

It's freaking weird that pistol shots blow off heads every time, yet shotguns or some ridiculously powerful gunshots to the head never trigger gory explosion(they take off small chunk of head instead).

Besides head explosions(?), limb mutilations are very hard to trigger with firearms and it seems I can do it only once per enemy. If I blow off one arm with a gun I can't dismember other limbs, whereas it's fairly easy to stack dismemberment with blades. Also, corpses in general can't be dismembered further most of the times.

I reckon there's some fundamental coding issues with dismemberment in CP2077.
Post edited April 05, 2021 by gog666dmc
Now that I think of it, shotguns and tech rifles shoot multiple pellets at once. I think the game calculates dismemberment "overkill" damage per a projectile, not per the total damage dealt in a short timeframe, and that is maybe the reason it is harder to trigger dismemberment with shotguns or tech rifles.

In vanilla the player gets overpowered very quickly and one-shot everyone in late game. In those cases, a single pellet from shotguns and tech rifles would have enough damage to trigger dismemberment. I think that is why some players could see dismemberment pretty often.
Post edited April 05, 2021 by gog666dmc