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I just noticed that the Galaxy Client tries to download ~55 GB to update from 1.06 to 1.11 while the files for offline-Installation only add up to < 2GB.

This seems weird to me because the complete installation is only 63 GB on my drive.

Since there are some threads about censoring recently I wonder if they're swapping some videosequences or other stuff as part of the update.

As there is no obvious way to go back to my current version - which works without major bugs so far - I'm now reluctant to finish that upgrade.

Any insights why that update is so big and whats changing apart from "bugfixes"?

thanks and regards
My personal guess is .. that the game is set up badly for patching.
That it is designed mainly for "fast loading" or "performance" which makes it necessary to have gigantic patches because "people have that kind of hardware anyhow".

AAA games have gone in a wasteful direction for a while, and this is just another example for it imo.

I wonder how much actual code has changed in this patch, and how many kilobytes it boils down to.
Post edited February 02, 2021 by rebb
I know ... Patch 1.11 -> Patch 1.12 -> 57 GB. And the server is running slow.

Steam-Updates are only a few MB. I am waiting now for more than 1 hour to play C2077 ... since yesterday
Newest Patch is 34 GB. An improvement, but still excessive imo.