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because they should've stuck with what they were good at which is the witcher world. they started as a company that was deeply passionate about the witcher and the books. They wanted to try something else after so many years on the witcher and looks like it didn't turn out too well.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by jimmywon34
They made tons of money though, Steam peaked at 1 mill users, physical copies, CEs, Amazon, GoG, merc shop and consoles etc.

I finished the game btw. I thikn it was great even though at first I was disappointed there wasnt enough of Cyberpunk, sure Night City was awesome and impressive.

Yeah Ive said it they should open new studios, start working as publisher, improve GoG's services. Suck to see they are going "online" route. Online can wait if asked from me.

Cyberpunk 2 should be more like a pitbull imho. They gotta work on the attitude.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by Cyberway
cyberpunk's awesome. console problems are the product of consoles being last-gen hardware. Run's fine on my PC.

And are you talking about GOG pulling Devotion? Everyone pulled that game. None of these companies are big enough to stand up to China without their customers willing to stand behind them.
CDPR should have released the game on PCs in November and consoles in March/April. Would have saved themselves a lot of grief - probably would hurt them commercially somewhat, but certainly would not ruin the reputation the way they did.
Cyberway: They made tons of money though, Steam peaked at 1 mill users, physical copies, CEs, Amazon, GoG, merc shop and consoles etc.

I finished the game btw. I thikn it was great even though at first I was disappointed there wasnt enough of Cyberpunk, sure Night City was awesome and impressive.
This will come back to bite. You don't get away with such a poor product easily - in the gaming industry a bad flop can mean the end of you.

So you finished the game - will you play it again? Is there much to do outside the main quest?
Post edited December 18, 2020 by midrand
midrand: CDPR should have released the game on PCs in November and consoles in March/April. Would have saved themselves a lot of grief - probably would hurt them commercially somewhat, but certainly would not ruin the reputation the way they did.
Cyberway: They made tons of money though, Steam peaked at 1 mill users, physical copies, CEs, Amazon, GoG, merc shop and consoles etc.

I finished the game btw. I thikn it was great even though at first I was disappointed there wasnt enough of Cyberpunk, sure Night City was awesome and impressive.
midrand: This will come back to bite. You don't get away with such a poor product easily - in the gaming industry a bad flop can mean the end of you.

So you finished the game - will you play it again? Is there much to do outside the main quest?
I spend around 70 hours in the game on ps4 pro and had approx. 20 crashes but the game is just awesome!
From the technical side it has it bugs and glitches and performance issues...but It's a milestone in storytelling and quest design. I played through 5 endings now and wow they gave me the chickenskin...awesome. still 3 more to go and still lots of things to do and explore in the city. I'm sure they will fix the issues in the next month and I cannot wait for the the dlcs. This is a gem, a rough diamond which needs to be polished.
midrand: CDPR should have released the game on PCs in November and consoles in March/April. Would have saved themselves a lot of grief - probably would hurt them commercially somewhat, but certainly would not ruin the reputation the way they did.

This will come back to bite. You don't get away with such a poor product easily - in the gaming industry a bad flop can mean the end of you.

So you finished the game - will you play it again? Is there much to do outside the main quest?
EDGX2077: I spend around 70 hours in the game on ps4 pro and had approx. 20 crashes but the game is just awesome!
From the technical side it has it bugs and glitches and performance issues...but It's a milestone in storytelling and quest design. I played through 5 endings now and wow they gave me the chickenskin...awesome. still 3 more to go and still lots of things to do and explore in the city. I'm sure they will fix the issues in the next month and I cannot wait for the the dlcs. This is a gem, a rough diamond which needs to be polished.
Thanks - glad you enjoyed it. I agree the main story is great and look forward to complete it (with branching if I have time). However outside of the main quest do you find it interesting? Anything specific that you like?
Post edited December 18, 2020 by midrand
midrand: CDPR should have released the game on PCs in November and consoles in March/April. Would have saved themselves a lot of grief - probably would hurt them commercially somewhat, but certainly would not ruin the reputation the way they did.
Cyberway: They made tons of money though, Steam peaked at 1 mill users, physical copies, CEs, Amazon, GoG, merc shop and consoles etc.

I finished the game btw. I thikn it was great even though at first I was disappointed there wasnt enough of Cyberpunk, sure Night City was awesome and impressive.
midrand: This will come back to bite. You don't get away with such a poor product easily - in the gaming industry a bad flop can mean the end of you.

So you finished the game - will you play it again? Is there much to do outside the main quest?
Couple new gaming studios and they go through the bites. Interestin to see if they do anything, Witcher 4 is gonna be interesting.

Yeah, I probably play this again when they have started to add DLCs and expansions with Cool Build, but now Ive stopped.

Nina Kravis Cyberpunk stuff btw...
Post edited December 18, 2020 by Cyberway
siegeshot: cyberpunk's awesome. console problems are the product of consoles being last-gen hardware. Run's fine on my PC.

And are you talking about GOG pulling Devotion? Everyone pulled that game. None of these companies are big enough to stand up to China without their customers willing to stand behind them.
Bullshit. A game being banned in China doesn't mean a company is going to go bankrupt. That is absurd. The video game industry didn't even shill to China until the past half decade. We need to call this for what it is, a systematic take over of the entertainment industry by a foreign dictatorship. It's happened to Hollywood as well. This is why I don't trust any game companies that are publicly traded and yes I know that means a very limited scope of games. With the nudity being patched out, don't expect it to get any better and definitely don't expect mod tools. All the people saying this game doesn't need mod tools and here we are talking about how broken and limited the story is.
ambient_orange: Get your head out of your behind. Why blame cd project and not china? Why no blame on sony? You must be some chinese bot.
We should indeed rather blame Sony for CP2077.
After all, it was Sony who didn't get their shit together and left CP2077 in the desolate state we are witnessing. Fuck Sony. They should have fixed the broken dashboard on my new car, but guess what, they also failed at that.

Regarding China. Of course we should not blame China. We should praise China. That goes without saying. I mean, who else but China will make sure that our children will be saved from all that moral depravity and decadent displays of disrespect out there? Think of the children!

No, seriously. You can keep your own empty head firmly up your own butthole.

In more "lighthearted" news, the PS4 version of CP2077 being pulled is not only a topic for game and gaming-related tech media anymore, but has entered general news circulation: The uncomfortable situation CDP is in just got a little more uncomfortable...
Post edited December 18, 2020 by elgonzo
Yet Warner Bros sells 3 specifically broken games with DLC that don't correct but bypass the bugs for $20, Warner Bros should be punished they've released more buggy content and charged people for their mistake they're the filth, Same goes for EA Ubisoft and few other names.
wayke: Yet Warner Bros sells 3 specifically broken games with DLC that don't correct but bypass the bugs for $20, Warner Bros should be punished they've released more buggy content and charged people for their mistake they're the filth, Same goes for EA Ubisoft and few other names.
Especially BETHSOFT!
Anyone else notice that the game has showed overall score of 3.8/5 since launch day? It has never changed, not once. I've checked 3 times every single day. I thought they might lie about this with the launch disaster clearly not a surprise... I just didn't think it would be so obvious. Lost a lot of respect.
bigsilverhotdog: Anyone else notice that the game has showed overall score of 3.8/5 since launch day? It has never changed, not once. I've checked 3 times every single day. I thought they might lie about this with the launch disaster clearly not a surprise... I just didn't think it would be so obvious. Lost a lot of respect.
Plenty of loyalists still in denial. Many of these reviews read along the lines of "not really worth 5/5 but I'm giving highest score to even out negative review" and are written by people who are just a few hours in and haven't encountered anything gamebreaking yet. I would love for CDPR to be a company worthy of such misguided affection.
I considered it one up until a few weeks ago.
CDProjekt will never recover it's reputation after this huge fiasco.
charliesheen: CDProjekt will never recover it's reputation after this huge fiasco.
Yet EA sell games still even after ripping off lying cheating customers out of content, Sims - Battlefield series the patching alone is abysmal.

Ubisoft patching out content for products people already own license to to appease a potential Investor to suit the needs of a nation that will crush them and take all their IP..

ZeniMax Media and the Fallout series pretty much anything that todd coward is in on.

Valve and their constant law breaking IP theft and various other troubles and its scam sale system that does not sell the user license to the game but license access to their services to access the game.

How about that all fps games now use tiered distributed serving as game host and many of those games even use the players machines to lighten the load to save cost on their end and to prevent the longevity and competition based around said games you don't have a Dedicated server anymore included with the game for the lifespan of the title is then out of their hands.

People acting like CDPR have committed the biggest crime against gamers, How about the pandering to console users all these years some moron in an office sinks a great game series to CONSOLIFY a Title literally everything is trash now...

I can rant for hours about all this there are so many more instances of corrupt theiving game studios Not Developers who people like to blame Developers may make the game they don't get to choose when release is or when their work is finished, People need to start blaming these Marketing consultants.